Page 13 of A Little Bit Mine

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“I know.”

“When can we do it again?” She asks, biting her full bottom lip.

“Right now,” I tell her, my cock already hardening once again.

I don’t think that he’ll be going down anytime soon.

I lean down, kissing her soft lips as I start to rock inside her once more.



Wakingup after my first night spent wrapped in Gates’ arms was supposed to be the best morning of my life. I had pictured it as us wrapped around each other, maybe him stroking my hair and then kissing me good morning. In my dirtier fantasies, he woke me up with his mouth or cock between my legs, and we spent the rest of the day in bed together.

Instead, I wake up all alone, the woodsy scent of Gates still fresh in the air.

I sit up a little, trying to see if maybe he’s in the bathroom or the closet, but both are empty, and I don’t hear any other sounds of movement coming from downstairs.

I sigh, collapsing back onto the mattress and closing my eyes. His comforter is thick and wrapped around my naked body. I wish that it was Gates wrapped around me instead, but I can work with this.

The sun hits my eyes, and when I roll over and see that it’s already close to noon, I understand why.

No wonder Gates is gone. He’s probably been at work for hours!

I can’t believe that I slept in for so long. It must have been the jet lag mixed in with being so worn out after everything that Gates and I did last night.

I bite my lip, grinning to myself as I roll over onto my back and replay the way that Gates made love to me last night.

He was so passionate and dominating. He knew exactly what to do to turn me on and make me go off like a firecracker.

I reach my arm out, running my fingers over the sheets on Gates’ side and frown when my fingers brush over a piece of paper. I grab it, leaning up on an elbow as I read Gates’ note.


I hated to leave you,but I know that you must be tired. I had to head to work, but I’ll see you tonight. We need to finally have that talk.



I tracemy fingers over his words, smiling when I trace over the x.


I sigh as I lay back in bed. I’m nervous about tonight but also excited. After last night, I think that I know what the talk is going to be about.

I’ve waited years to be with Gates, and now it finally feels like the timing is all coming together.

My phone buzzes and butterflies take flight in my stomach at the thought of Gates texting me. When I grab my phone, though, it’s not Gates, but Aria that has sent me a message.

Aria:Hey! Want to meet up for lunch with Quinn and me?

Dillon: I’d love to! What time and where?

Aria: There’s this cute little deli on Michigan Avenue. It’s called The Four Kings. Meet there in half an hour?

Dillon: I’ll be there.
