Page 16 of A Little Bit Mine

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I nod, scanning the front yard as Kye takes a closer look at the surveillance feeds.

“I’m going to go do a lap. There’s a truck in the back that seems out of place.”

I nod, checking behind our car as Kye heads toward the back of the property. I can see him on the iPad, and I grab a water bottle out of my backpack and twist off the cap.

I’ve been on enough stakeouts to know that the next few hours are going to be boring as hell. In the military, we would spend hours on rooftops or barren, rocky mountains, waiting on a target.

I see Kye making his way back toward the car, and I lean back in my seat, trying to get comfortable. A cool breeze blows in through the open windows, and I take another drink of water.

I should probably try to come up with a speech, and make sure that I’m mentioning everything that I want to. It seems like whenever I’m around Dillon, all of my carefully laid plans go out the window.

Last night, she surprised me with the lingerie, and I was so desperate to finally be with her that I wasn’t thinking clearly.

“I can see you thinking hard, man. Don’t pull anything.”

“Hilarious,” I deadpan.

“Do you want to role-play it?”

“Absolutely not.”

“It might help! Here, I’ll start.”

“Please don’t.”

“Oh! Gates, you scared me,” Kye says in a comically high-pitched voice.

“She doesn’t sound like that,” I tell him.

“You don’t like my voice, Gates?”

“No, middle school Kye, I don’t.”

“Dude, no wonder you’re still single.”

I side-eye him, and he shrugs at me.

“I don’t want to tell you that I love you, man.”

“Aww, I love you too, man.”

He tries to hug me, and I laugh.

“I love you, Kye, but I don’t need your help with Dillon. I know what I want to say to her. I’ve got it under control.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure,” I promise him.

We spend the next eight hours sharing snacks and joking around while we keep a close eye on the client’s property. It’s dark out now, and I know that Rhett and Anson will be here to take over the night shift soon.

“I’m going to do one more lap of the property before our shift is over,” I tell Kye.

He nods, shoving some cashews into his mouth as he checks out a car that’s passing by slowly.

I climb out of the car, eager to stretch my legs after sitting for so long. I start out down the side street and then around the back. I pass by a white Jeep and check to make sure that it’s empty. I’m about to do the same for a black pickup truck when my phone buzzes in my pocket.

I pause, pulling it out and smiling when I see Dillon’s name on the screen.
