Page 17 of A Little Bit Mine

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Dillon:What time will you be home again?

Dillon: Should I be making something for us to eat?

Gates: I’ll be home soon. I can grab us something.

I shovemy phone back into my pocket, eager to get this check of the property over with so I can get home to my girl.

I pass the black truck, glancing inside. I barely have time to react when I see the flash of the gun.

I reach for my own gun, tucked into my waistband and pray that I’m faster. We both shoot at the same time, and I grimace as the bullet rips into my chest. I try to focus, to see where I hit him, but things are already starting to get hazy.

My vision starts to tunnel, and I hear Kye screaming my name and the sound of heavy footsteps heading my way.

“Gates! Hold on; I’ve got you, buddy. Check the truck!” He yells to Rhett, and I glance up to see Rhett and Anson with their guns drawn, heading for the truck.

“Dillon,” I croak, and he grabs my hand, putting pressure on my chest with the other.

The last thought that I have before I black out is that I need to get home to Dillon. We need to finally have our talk.



When my phone rings,I assume that it’s Gates calling to see what I want to eat for dinner. I smile as I hurry to answer it. I want to tell him to forget about dinner; we can just order a pizza later, after I’ve had my way with him a half dozen times.

Instead, when I grab my phone, it’s a number I don’t recognize.

I’m used to that, though. Photographers or other models and agents used to call me all of the time with offers or new collaborations, and I rarely bothered adding their numbers into my phone.

“Hello?” I ask, using my professional voice.

“Hi, uh, Dillon?” Comes a familiar-sounding masculine voice.

I can’t quite pinpoint it, but I know that I’ve heard it before. I’ve met a lot of people, though, and I frown as I try to figure out where I’ve heard this voice from.

They sound worried, maybe even a little panicky, and my internal alarm starts to go off.

“Yes, this is Dillon. Sorry, who is this?”

“It’s Kye. Listen, there was… there was an incident,” he says, his voice cracking slightly.

Hearing him breaking down has all of my internal alarms blaring loud in my head.

“No,” I whisper, tears already stinging my eyes. “With Gates? Is it Gates?” I ask, tears already stinging my eyes. “Is he alive?”

“Yeah, he’s still alive. The ambulance just brought him to the VA hospital, and they just brought him into surgery. I called Aria, and she’s headed to you. She’s going to drive you down here, okay?”

I nod, choking back tears. My mind is racing a million miles an hour, and I’m not sure what I should do right now.

“She’ll be there soon, okay? It’s going to be okay,” Kye reassures me.

It would be a lot more reassuring if he didn’t sound so worried himself right now.

“Okay. Okay,” I repeat, and swallow, trying to take a deep breath.

I need to get my head on straight. I’m not sure how long I stand in the front room, trying to get my racing heart to calm down. A knock comes at the door, and I blink, coming out of the fog momentarily and hurrying to answer it.

“Dillon,” Aria says, pulling me into a hug.
