Page 19 of A Little Bit Mine

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He nods, clapping me lightly on the shoulder before he leaves with Aria.

“Do you need anything?” Lottie asks, lowering into a chair next to me.

“No, I’m okay. You should go home. Get some rest!” I tell her, but she shakes her head.

“You’re family. I’m not leaving family.”

I smile, letting her take my other hand in hers.

I’m not sure how long we sit like that in silence. Kye and Aria get back with food for everyone, and I pick at my food, too anxious to eat.

The only thing I’m sure of during all of this is that I really need to tell Gates that I love him.

I don’t want to waste any more time not being with him. Not when I’ve seen that we aren’t promised time with each other.



My first thought,when I wake up, is wondering where Dillon is. I blink my eyes open, wincing as I try to sit up in bed. The machines are beeping steadily next to me, and I know right away that I’m in a hospital, even before I start looking around.

Dillon is fast asleep in the chair next to my bed. Her fingers are still wrapped around my hand, and I smile as I stare down at where she’s touching me.

She looks exhausted, and I wonder what time it is. Has she been awake all night, worried about me?

“Hey,” Kye whispers, and I glance over to see Rhett, Kye, Aria, and Quinn all stuffed onto the couch in the corner of the room.

“The client?” I ask, and he nods.

“She’s fine. You got the ex-husband. He won’t be hurting her or anyone else.”

I relax at that, glad that I was able to keep her safe at least.

“What time is it?” I ask him, my mouth dry.

“Early. Hold on. I’ll get the doctor.”

I nod, and he slips off the couch, being careful not to disturb anyone else.

Anson and Lottie open the door, and I smile at them. They both look so relieved that I’m awake, and I know that I’m lucky to have such great friends.

“How are you feeling?” Anson asks as Lottie takes a seat in the only open chair.

“A little sore.”

“Yeah, getting shot will do that to you,” Anson says drily, and I laugh, wincing as my chest starts to ache.

Dillon starts to stir, and I glance at her, squeezing her hand as her eyes shoot open, and she jerks up in her chair.

“You’re awake,” she says, relief etched into her features.

“I’m okay.”

She leans forward, hugging me, and I know that she’s been through the wringer these last couple of hours. I hate that I worried her like this.

The doctor comes in, a nurse right behind him, and Dillon takes a step back so that they can check something on the monitors. Her eyes stay glued to me, though, and I can’t look away from her either.
