Page 2 of A Little Bit Mine

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Gates:No, you haven’t.

Kye: Swear to god.

Gates: Well, this is awkward… You’re not my best man.

Kye: Bullshit. I’m your best friend. Who else are you going to ask?

Gates: Anson or Rhett.

Kye: I know you’re messing with me, and I don’t appreciate it. I’ll be making changes to my speech tonight.

I grin,rolling my eyes. I’m sure that Kye means it.

I shove my phone back into my pocket and go back to scanning the crowd.

Then, it happens.

My eyes seem to be drawn to her. As soon as she steps onto the escalator, I’m locked onto her. Her pretty blue eyes meet mine, and she smiles, standing on her tiptoes and waving at me above the crowd.

I smile, moving closer so that I can greet her.

“Gates!” She says, throwing herself into my arms, and I catch her easily. “Thanks for picking me up.”

“Of course. I’d do anything for you; you know that.”

She beams up at me, and my heart flips over in my chest.

I wonder if she can feel how fast it’s racing.

“Should we get your bags?” I ask, trying to hide my reaction to her.

“Yeah, I think it’s this way.”

We fall into step next to each other as we head toward the baggage claim. I can see more than a few heads turning our way, and I glare at them until they look away.

“How’s Kye doing?” She asks me as we stand next to the carousel.

“Good. He’s finally all moved in with Aria, and seems content there.”

“I’m so glad that he found someone who makes him happy,” she says with a soft smile, and I nod, swallowing hard.

“How’s the new job? You’re not missing the military, are you?”

“No, it’s been nice staying in one place and getting to enjoy hanging up with my friends more. The business is growing fast, so there always seems to be something to do, and it’s been nice enjoying the weather here.”

“Good, I’m happy for you, and I’m glad you’re not spending most of your time in a war zone.”

“Me too,” I admit, and she smiles.

She brushes a few loose strands of hair away from her face, and her hand brushes against the back of mine as it rests back at her side. Tingles and electricity race up my arm at the brief contact, and my fingers curl into a fist to stop from reaching for her. My breath stalls in my lungs, and I fight my instincts to grab her, haul her against me, and kiss her.

“Gates,” she starts, and I look down at her.

There’s something swirling in her eyes that I can’t quite place, but it calls to me. We stare at each other, the noise and the crowds fading away until it’s just her and I. My mouth feels dry, and I swallow, my lips parting, but no words come.

“Um, I think that’s one of my bags,” she says, and the spell is broken.

I look back to the baggage carousel and move to grab the bag that she points at. Her name is written on the tag, and I pull it off the belt.
