Page 21 of A Little Bit Mine

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The nurse comes in with some more pain medicine, but I’m too busy holding my fiancé to pay her and what she’s doing much mind.

“We have an announcement,” I tell everyone.

“What’s up?” Kye asks, but he’s smiling at me like he already knows.

I squeeze Dillon’s hand, and she beams at me.

“We’re engaged,” I announce.

Our friends let out a few hollers and swarm us to offer their congratulations.

“I don’t have a ring or anything yet,” Dillon says, and I clear my throat.

“Actually, I’ve had your ring for years. It’s at home in my dresser,” I tell her, and she just smiles wider.

“I can’t wait to see it.”

“I’ll show it to you as soon as we’re home,” I promise.

She leans closer to me on the bed, and I wrap my arm around her. The morphine is starting to make me sleepy, and I struggle to stay awake as we all celebrate and make plans for the future.

At some point, it’s too much, and I close my eyes, smiling as my fiancé laces her fingers with mine.



“Take it slow,”I caution Gates as we walk into the condo.

“I’m okay,” he promises me.

He keeps telling me that, and the doctors reassured me too, but I’m still so nervous. Now that I’m finally with Gates, I can’t stand the thought of something happening to him and me losing him.

“Dillon, baby girl, I’m really fine,” he stresses as I help him sit on the couch and grab him a blanket.

“I’ve never dealt with anyone who was shot before. I’m kind of panicking.”

“I can tell,” he says with a laugh. “I promise you that I’m fine. Pain is almost non-existent, and they wouldn’t have let me leave the hospital if there was any risk of something happening.”

“Okay, but you’ll tell me, right? If you start to feel any pain or if like a stitch comes loose or something?”

“Yeah, you’ll be the first person I tell,” he promises me.


He takes my hand, tugging until I’m standing between his legs.

“I am actually feeling a little achy,” he tells me, and I tense.

“Where? I’ll call Doctor Vaughn,” I say, trying to pull away from him to grab my phone.

“No, baby. I meant I need you. It’s been too long.”

My mouth drops open, and I smile shyly.

“Can we have sex? Are you cleared for that?”

“I’m fine, Dillon. I can still rock your world, even after getting shot.”
