Page 25 of A Little Bit Mine

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We were on our honeymoon in Thailand when Dillon started feeling sick. I thought maybe it was food poisoning or the flu and promptly took her to the doctor. We were both surprised when we found out that she was pregnant. Now she’s due in just a month. We’re both so excited to meet our little one.

We just moved into our new house three months ago, and I’ve been busy trying to get everything unpacked and set up the nursery. Dillon keeps trying to do it without me, but I don’t like her trying to lift such heavy things. She’s doing enough of the heavy lifting already.

“Stay in bed, babe. I’ll bring it up here for you.”

She smiles, burrowing deeper into the covers, and I smile as I head downstairs and into the kitchen. I’ve got the place stocked with all of her favorite foods. Her cravings have been all over the place lately, so I like to be prepared.

I have avocados and guacamole, pickles, sour gummy worms, regular gummy worms, apples, cantaloupe, and everything else she said sounds good over the last nine months stocked in the fridge and pantry. I don’t want my girl to want for anything.

I start to cook some bacon in a frying pan as I move to pull out Dillon’s favorite loaf of bread and grab an avocado. I smash it up for the toast while the bacon sizzles to a perfect crisp. The toast pops, and I add that to the plate.

I jog back upstairs, careful not to spill any of the food on the plate as I go. Dillon is still right where I left her, all snuggled up in bed and I wish that I could crawl back in and join her.

I need to get to work though. We’re hiring a few more people, and I need to finish up some paperwork from our last client.

“I’ll see you tonight,” I tell Dillon as I pass her the plate.

“Can’t wait.”

She smiles at me as I drop one more kiss on her lips.

“Have fun today. I’ll text you later.”

She grins, grabs a piece of bacon and takes a bite. I wave one last time before I head back downstairs and outside to my car.

I’m still working at Knight Security with Kye, Rhett, and Anson. We’ve started to expand, and I’m grateful for that. I want to take some time off once our son is born and not have to worry about the other guys working too hard.

They all have kids now or are expecting, too, so I know they’re looking forward to delegating some of the tasks and clients too.

If you had told me eighteen months ago that I would be married to the woman of my dreams and expecting a kid, I don’t know that I would have believed you. It would have seemed too good to be true.

I know how lucky I am to be married to Dillon, that I get to love her and show her how much she means to me every day, and I’m not going to mess that up.

I make the same vow every morning, and I intend to keep it.

I smile as I think about what else I have planned for tonight. After dinner, I’m going to take my wife home and show her just how much I worship her.

I’m already counting down the hours.



Ten Years Later…

“I can’t believewe finally pulled this off,” Aria says as we head into the cabin.

“I know. I thought for sure that something would come up and someone would have to cancel,” I agree.

The kids are running through the house already, and I laugh as I hear them exclaiming excitedly over the bedrooms with the bunkbeds.

We rented a cabin in the mountains in Tennessee and will spend the next week hanging out around the campfire, swimming, and exploring the charming little town.

It’s the first long vacation that we’ve been able to take all together. We’ve done a few day trips over the years, and even spent a few long weekends in Portland and Seattle. Things have gotten harder to plan with the kids in school and Knight Security growing bigger and bigger.

Quinn’s blog has exploded over the years, too, and now she has close to a million followers on social media. She’s been slowing down a bit, taking one trip a month instead of two. Sometimes I go with her if I’m looking for a little break. It’s nice to have girl time and explore and see the world through her eyes.

Lottie’s graphic design business is doing great too. She’s hired an assistant and another designer in the last decade.
