Page 7 of Twenty Questions

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Pretty boy…Damn, that nickname gets to me more than I care to admit!

I’m happy that my best friend checks up on me. Despite the distance that my job puts between us. Despite the time difference with Bali. Despite her hectic Parisian life. That annoying nickname, though…

I reach for my phone and stare at the message blankly. Another eye roll ensues as I reread it.

Winding one of my dreadlocks around my index finger, I sigh. I hate when people call me pretty and Garcia picked up the habit after her younger brother said it one too many times in her presence. Incapable of keeping it bottled up, I reluctantly disclosed how much it bothered me. To no avail. My conniving friend claims that she’s too old to break a habit. I call bullshit!

If you must know, it reminds me of my childhood.

Once upon a time, my mom called me that... and my dad would freak out, berating her on the few occasions that graced us with his presence. “Don’t use girly names for our son or he’ll turn out to be a faggot!”

Guess what, Dad? I didn’t need Mom to influence my orientation. Every time you tried to set me up with one of your friends’ daughters, they quickly learned that my interests lie elsewhere. I’ve witnessed your disapproval when said girls matched with more attentive—and appropriate—suitors.

Who was he to judge anyway? Parents should accept you, right? Aren’t they supposed to love you unconditionally? Unconditionally being the operative word; I guess that the greatMonsieurToussaint never got the memo. That dirtbag strung me and my mom along for years. Another woman. Another family. Another life.

Desperate to escape the unhappy memories to return to the present, I tap out my answer in English, which flows effortlessly. Her knowledge of French would enable us to text in my mother tongue, but early in our friendship, we established that the former would be used. I do my best to hide my irritation; I’d rather reprimand her in person.


Doing good, lovely. I have a date tonight;)




Come on, you know me better than that.


You’re a romantic at heart. *Wink* Stop fighting your true nature!


Riiight… I shouldn’t mention my anonymous Grindr hookup who blew me in a bar bathroom then?


I’m torn… You know how much I loathe hookup apps, but if it leads to a date...


LMFAO. I do have plans for dinner with a guy. NOT the dude from Grindr (not seeing him again). Someone else. Saved his life yesterday.


So many guys! Do tell, Mr. Knight in Shining Armor.

I grin at the screen, then type a CliffNotes version of my heroics. Needless to say, I don’t disclose jacking off to him. Twice.


All in all, he’s hot but not my type (taken) +

We’re worlds apart and won’t see each other again.

Treating me to dinner is sweet, though.
