Page 9 of Twenty Questions

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Oh, come on, Cooper! Be honest with yourself. Your alpha man is less than pleased by your obvious resistance to his proposal to shack up. This matters to him. This was supposed to be a peaceful trip, and so far, it’s been anything but…

Oblivious to my inner turmoil, Nino snaps me from my unpleasant thoughts. I inwardly scold myself for being rude and focus my full attention on him. “From the outside, people judge my job as shallow, but I truly enjoy the mostly free travel, glamor, and exotic locales. I also appreciate the agencies I work with.” Nino sounds like the epitome of the laid-back guy. How refreshing!

“I suppose that you’ve traveled the world then.”

“I have.” He flashes me a megawatt smile. “I’ll tell you all about it if you’re interested.” I nod since my mouth is full. “But don’t think I missed how you jumped at the opportunity to ignore my initial question about your boyfriend.”Busted! And here I thought I’d gotten off the hook.“I’m not prying, I swear. I was just curious since you seemed so sure that he’d tag along, and I must admit that I’m surprised to see you on your own.” He clears his throat. His downcast eyes flick up to capture mine. “Your kind invitation didn’t backfire on you, did it?”Bingo!“I hope I didn’t cause trouble in paradise.”

“Nah, we’re fine. If you must know…”Should I be so open with someone I barely know?I dwell on it for a split second.Who cares, really? It’s not like I’m going to see him ever again.“Well… from my understanding...” I pause and look away, feeling the back of my neck warm under his scrutiny. I rub the heated area as I spill the beans. “He wasn’t thrilled to meet the man who, quote, ‘kissed me.”

Should I blame my honesty on the alcohol or my outrage at Alex’s spiteful words?

Nah, I owe this man my life, so sugarcoating Alex’s preposterous behavior is simply not an option. My explanation earns me a bark of laughter. “Sorry, I’m not mocking you. It’s just that a couple of models reacted the same way, confusing CPR with kissing.” He shakes his head, his dreadlocks skimming the side of his face. Glancing sideways, my attention turns to our surroundings. My teeth worry my lower lip when I realize that one of the waiters is eyeing us.

Surely the man can’t be bothered by the potential assumption that Nino and I are an item, right?

As if reading my mind and feeling the urge to reassure me, my newfound friend quickly winces, then leans across the table and murmurs, “Don’t mind him. My skin color tends to attract attention in some countries.” I shrug at Nino’s troubling comment, but he doesn’t seem to mind. “Anyway, back to your boyfriend…” My eyebrow shoots up, unsure of where he’s heading with this. “Let me get this straight…” My mouth quirks up in a knowing smile at the expression that Alex detests. “Your boyfriend preferred that you have dinner solo with a stranger because he’s jealous that I put my mouth on yours?” I nod. “Overlooking the fact that you’d have died otherwise.” His penetrating gaze on mine, Nino polishes off his wine. Hearing Nino say this aloud reinforces how absurd Alex’s behavior has been.

I mull over my reply, then confirm and finish the food that’s piled on a small plate. His truthful words elicit goosebumps. “I’m pretty sure that, deep down, Alex feels guilty for not being there when it happened. Even on vacation, his mind remains fixed on Wall Street. You see, he’s a business hotshot, and I don’t understand the first thing about that stuff. He was swamped by numbers while I was swamped… literally. I guess resenting you is easier, even if you saved my life.” I contemplate the theory. “Facing you might be like losing face for him, you know?” His mouth forms a sheepish smile. “Don’t feel bad. I’m alive, thanks to you.” I choke on the words and cough lightly. “No matter how jealous Alex can be, he knows that he can trust me. I’m actually flattered that he’s so possessive.” My face turns beet red when it strikes me how the alcohol loosened my tongue.

Sensing that we’re broaching a heavier subject that’s none of his concern, Nino gently switches topics. “Will you be staying in the area or traveling elsewhere?”

“We’ll be traveling to the other side of the island in a couple days… For now, we’re discovering the area, including Ubud and clubbing. Oh, and surfing, obviously. What happened yesterday didn’t deter me from it.”

“Right on,timal.”

I grin, pay the bill, and thank him for the umpteenth time, although my heart tightens.Is it weird that I regret that I’ll never see him again?He'll be gone in a couple of days and has plans in the meantime. Walking back to the lobby of his luxury hotel, where my chauffeur awaits, I’m a little light-headed. “Listen, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you...” We’re about to part ways for good, which emboldens me. Nino’s eyes narrow. “Does it bother you that I’m gay?”

“Why would it? I thought we agreed that mouth-to-mouth isn’t kissing.” His genuine smile soothes me.

“I know, but we’re linked by a unique, intimate experience.” I avert his gaze.Am I the only one feeling this?

“True. There is a connection. That’s why your boyfriend’s behavior seems so odd to me.” My brows knit. “His jealousy is misplaced, but he chose to ignore that I might have made a move on you tonight.”

My eyes widen in confusion. “I wasn’t talking about anything sexual…”

“I know. I also know that you being gay doesn’t mean that you want to jump every guy you see. Chill, I’m not coming on to you.”

“So what are you saying?”

“I’m saying that your boyfriend didn’t envision that you’re far from the first guy my lips have touched.”





“I’m telling you, it feels good to be home!” I stretch my legs on Garcia’s ottoman without asking for permission. She may not allow me to crash in her king-size bed, but her place has always felt like a second home to me, the first one being my mom’s; I’d rather spend time with her than alone upstairs, so I barely call it home!

“You realize that you’renotat home, right?” my best friend counters, unapologetically swatting my tattooed bicep from the fuchsia sofa to my right.

Oops, maybe I got carried away and she disagrees with my POV… Nah, can’t be.

“Your place. My place. Same difference…” I trail off. As if she wasn’t aware that I spend more time at her place than my own whenever my hectic life sends me back to Paris. It’s been less than three days, and I only stopped by my apartment to drop off my suitcase before taking the stairs down to her colorful place. Having a week in between jobs is a rare occurrence, so I intend to make the most of it. Catch up with her. Binge-watch a series. Treat her to dinner.

Keeping busy prevents me from daydreaming about Ash; he must be celebrating Independence Day with his beau. It shouldn’t bother me and yet…
