Page 24 of Cowboy Under Siege

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Creases etched at the corner of each eye and the brackets around his mouth made him look so much tougher than she’d ever seen him.

A stone of awareness dropped into the pond of her stomach. This was a side of Jaren she hadn’t seen before, not even in the middle of that explosion. Right this minute, he looked as though he would hunt down the person responsible and make him pay.

Another ripple in her stomach had her drawing in a deep breath to steady herself.

“And to think I believed you were just another dumb cowboy when you got on that bull,” she said.

His eyes flared with surprise, and the brackets around his hard lips relaxed into smile lines. “Is that so?”

She nodded.

His smile fell, replaced by more concern. “Look, the team is coming in a minute. They’re going to question you, but I want you to remember that you’re not being interrogated. You didn’t do anything wrong, Trinny. We just need to form a plan for your case.”

Case.That word sounded so…off. Her life, despite her fortune and the mystery surrounding her mother’s death, was relatively uneventful. In the scheme of things, her mother was the only one who put on airs about wealth. Trinny was just a normal kid with scabby knees from falling off horses when she did the tricks her English riding instructor forbade her to do. The only difference was that she attended one of the better private schools and got to travel.

“I’ll be right here by your side every step of the way. I’ll look out for you.”

Emotion stuck in her throat, making a response impossible. To cover her discomposure, she took another sip of water.

Two men under white Stetsons matching the one Jaren wore entered the room. Their gazes fell on her, and they gave almost identical nods. Suddenly, she realized why their mannerisms were so alike and at the same time so familiar to her.

Jaren confirmed it in the next moment. “Trinny, these are my brothers who are also part of the WEST team, Judd and Jace.” He pointed a long finger at each brother.

“Welcome,” Judd said with another nod of greeting.

“Hi.” Jace’s Southern drawl was more pronounced, and he thumbed his hat the way she’d seen Jaren do several times.

The men took seats next to each other at the end of the table. Clearly everyone had their spot. Why did she feel like she was sitting at King Arthur’s round table?

That feeling only amplified as man after man filed into the room, and a couple women too. Her nerves jangled as all eyes settled on her. She swiped her sweaty palm down the thigh of her jeans.

Suddenly, a big, rough, warm hand landed on top of hers, stilling it. She turned her head to meet Jaren’s gaze. His steady, dark eyes sent a ripple of calm that she needed right now through her.

When eight people circled the table, Jaren spoke up. “Everyone, this is Trinny. Trinny, the team. And our boss, Ross Wynton.” He gestured toward the man at the head of the table.

She received more nods and hellos, which she returned with what she knew was a strained smile of her own. Jaren’s fingers flexed around hers, grounding her once again.

Ross cleared his throat, getting down to business. “We’re here to determine more about Trinny’s case and develop a plan of action. She was lucky enough to fall into Jaren’s hands.”

Oh god. Did everyone know she and Jaren had fallen into bed that night after the rodeo too?

Did she care? They were both consenting adults.

He stroked his thumb over the pulse on her wrist. The brush of his callused digit raised goosebumps all the way up her arm.

Trying to make him stop touching her would only draw more attention to them both—the last thing she wanted.

“Jaren, if you’ll fill us in on what happened earlier today.”

His body was completely relaxed as he responded. “As you know, after I was informed of Trinny’s situation, I went to find her. I called up Lexis”—he sent a nod toward the hardened man seated catercorner from them—“and he put out the word with the state troopers to be on the lookout for a white Hummer SUV.”

Her jaw dropped. He had the state police searching for her? She had no idea.

He continued in that deep rumbling voice. “I tracked her down at the shopping center and parked next to her vehicle to wait for her. When she came out, we placed her packages in the back seat. That’s when I heard the click.”

Everyone tensed.

“I managed to get my ward to safety before the vehicle exploded. You know the rest.”
