Page 69 of Cowboy Under Siege

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Trinny felt as if her eyelids weighed a ton. Exhaustion born from anger and fear and lust and satisfaction all made her eyes want to close.

What she wouldn’t give to just ignore her findings about her mother and let Jaren carry her to bed and tuck her in beside him.

He eased her off his cock and his lap. She pinched her eyes shut, holding in the sensation of thorough letting go with Jaren.

“I’ll grab another towel,” he said. She listened to his feet on the deck as he headed to the rack.

She pried her eyes open. She wasn’t missing this view for anything. The vision of her lover’s carved spine and ass as he loped away from her had her insides tingling all over again.

He snaked out a long arm and grabbed a black and white striped towel. When he pivoted to return to her side, he wore a grin that stole the last of her brain cells.

As he crossed the deck again, they shared a smile. All of a sudden, a strange look passed over his face.


His eyes rolled up.

“What’s wrong?” she barely got out before he froze—and crumpled to the deck.

A cry broke from her and turned to a scream when she spotted the man behind Jaren.

Her lungs filled again and she opened her mouth wide in panic and terror.

The tall, thin man dropped a syringe he was holding. It skittered across the wood.

Her shriek reached another decibel.

“Screaming won’t help.” His voice was cold. “Your boyfriend made sure you were alone out here. No one will hear you.”

When his stare dropped to her bare breasts, she yanked the towel over herself.

“I-I recognize you,” she sputtered, lips numb from the sudden chill and fear. The man her mother was seeing must be him. “You worked for my mother at the shipping company. New account manager.”

Tilting his head, he eyed her. His blue eyes were just as icy as his tone, causing her to shiver even more. “You’re observant for hardly being around. Your mother and I liked it that way.”

She darted a glance behind him at Jaren, who was still out cold. What did he give him?Please don’t let him be dead. I can’t lose him.

She only had herself left to rely upon, and Jaren needed her help too. She needed to think fast and get them out of this situation.

Wrapping the towel more solidly around herself, she stood up and found the courage to glare at the man who had somehow managed to catch up with her.

“Matt Dom, is it?” Her tone held only a small wobble.

He cut his stare down her bare legs. “I prefer to be called The Broker.”

“The Broker? What kind of egocentric name is that? Is it like Batman?”

He laughed in a way that reminded her more of The Joker.

She started around him to Jaren. She didn’t like how pale he looked under his tan. Or the slack angle of his limbs.

The man stepped into her path, cutting her off before she reached her lover. Her love.

“Get dressed,” he barked at her.

Narrowing her eyes at him, she sidestepped to grab her discarded clothes off the deck.

Think, Trinny!
