Page 70 of Cowboy Under Siege

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Unable to shield herself from his stare, she had no choice but to drop her towel and dress in front of him. She did so quickly, yanking on her top and jeans without bothering with undergarments. When she glanced his way, his eyes were gleaming and his stare was riveted on her body.

Her skin crawled.

“Your mother was right to worry about us ever meeting. I would have seduced you within five minutes. You’re quite beautiful.”

Her stomach heaved. Acid and bile burned at the back of her throat.

She had to get help. Jaren needed medical attention and she needed backup.

If only she could reach the panel of the security system, she might be able to push a button and call for help.

Or if she could find a weapon, she could strike down The Broker and somehow get Jaren and herself to the saferoom.

How many steps away was it? The pantry wasn’t far.Oh, sure!I just have to find a way to knock this guy out and drag my heavy bodyguard to safety. Should be easy. After all, I did jump into an arena with a bull to save a child.

Her eyes darted around in search of any object she could use against this man.

“Don’t even think about trying to get past me, little girl. You’re coming with me. We have a plane to catch.”

Her brain swam, and her vision blurred. Spots formed in front of her eyes, blocking Jaren out of her sight.

When she managed to quell her panic, she whispered, “Where are we going?”

“To the town you grew up in.”

“What do you want there? I’m sure you already broke into the house.”

“You are the key I need. Now you’re going to come quietly with me, get in my car and then board a plane for New York.”

She threw a look at Jaren. He still hadn’t moved. God, was he even breathing? Her stare locked on his chest and relief almost knocked her down. He was alive.

For now.

Trinny centered her attention on her mother’s boyfriend again. The man’s cold stare left her withnoquestion as to who her killer was.

Now Trinny had no choice but to go with him.

“Let’s go, little girl,” he hissed.

She glared at him. “At least let me get my purse.” The album was stuffed beneath the bed pillow. She had to make sure that if—no, dammit,when—Jaren came to, he would find it and know where to start looking for her.

“I’m not letting you out of my sight.” His fingers dug into her upper arm, making her bite off a cry of pain. Each steely fingertip bruised.

Jaren would not like seeing this man’s marks on her.

The Broker shoved her across the deck in front of him, down a flight of steps and around to the parking area in the front of the lodge where the man had managed to park without either her or Jaren hearing the engine.

They were too caught up in each other.

Exactly what Jaren feared would happendid happen. He was distracted—by her—and now he’d wake up and find he’d lost her.


Jaren’s head throbbed and he felt like he just got hit by a train. He was cold too.

In slow increments, his brain woke. He’d been toweling off, his gaze on Trinny when he felt a sharp stab in the back.

He opened his eyes and found his view taken up by the wood of the deck.
