Page 74 of Cowboy Under Siege

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“This Broker stuff is a bigger operation than we ever guessed back when our company folded.” Judd’s voice was steeped with fury.

Ross handed him a go-bag filled with all the equipment they’d need. “We knew we needed to cut the head off the snake. Let’s hope Dom is the bastard in charge and this time we end this.”

Jaren met Ross’s gaze. Understanding passed between them. Jaren gave a hard nod and ripped open the door.

This time he’d be the one to finish off the asshole calling himself The Broker and get Trinny back. But first, he would torture every single name of every person in his operation out of the man.

Dom—and all the others working for him—would learn just how dangerous, lethal and driven Jaren Abel could be.

He would stop at nothing to get back the woman he loved.

* * * * *

The last time Trinny had stepped foot in her hometown of Albany was for her mother’s funeral. Memories bombarded her. Lost chances haunted her. But mostly, she was pissed off.

Dom shoved her between the shoulder blades to propel her down the plane steps leading to the runway. She whipped around and shot him a glare.

“You will not push me. Understand?”

“You seem to be under the impression that you’re in charge, little girl.”

She gritted her teeth every time he called her that. She could only image why too—her mother.

“I am capable of walking without you forcing me to go faster. What’s the hurry, anyway? It’s the middle of the night. The bank’s not even open.”

During the flight from Montana to New York, they got into a screaming match, and most of the story unfolded. He was searching for something and believed it to be in her mother’s safe deposit box. She could only guess her mother signed some document that willed money to him and he’d tossed all their homes to find it.

Her boots hit asphalt and Dom shoved her in the back again.

She sucked in a deep breath of air reeking with the scent of jet fuel and tried to find her grip on control. She just needed to stay alive long enough for Jaren and the WEST team to show up.

Jaren. Oh god, was he even okay? Her mind wavered over the moment she’d last seen him, sprawled on the deck, naked and lifeless.

But breathing.

He was strong—the strongest, most determined man she knew. He wouldn’t let whatever drug Dom had given him take him down.

If he really was all right, then he would search the world over to find her. He’d stop at nothing, that much she knew.

She knew so much more about her lover, though, didn’t she? Such as how much emotion gleamed in his eyes when he was making love to her.

Her heart threatened to crack open and bleed out all the pain and heartache she’d been bottling up since the moment she saw him collapse back at the lodge. She had to shore up her walls, fortify her fortress and get through the long, fear-filled hours until he found her.

When she cut her glare over the man holding her prisoner, she hoped he saw just how much she wished him dead right now.

He only chuckled. “Your mother never told me just how beautiful you are.” Hard, bruising fingers clasped on her chin. “Even more beautiful when you’re angry.”

She ripped her chin out of his pinching fingers, even though it caused her more pain. “Take me to my house so I can change my clothes. I’m not going to the bank in this.” She waved at her attire of T-shirt and jeans and nothing else.

“The only reason I’ll honor your request is because you need to look your best when we walk into that bank. I can’t have someone so…” His gaze slimed over her. “Disheveled being seen with me.”

“I bet my mother was an easy target for your charm. She sucked it up everywhere she could.” Shoulders thrust back and head held high even though she was exhausted and bruised from his rough treatment, she took off walking across the airstrip with all the poise that her mother would have expected of her.

Things had changed since then. Any respect she ever had for that woman was now worth less than the manure she stepped in on the Wynton Ranch. Anyone who would treat their own daughter the way she had and sneaked around with Dom, conspiring about god knew what together, deserved whatever end had come to her.

More than Trinny’s feelings toward her mother and her expectations had changed since she followed that rodeo into Stone Pass, though. Now she really wasn’t content to go on alone. She wanted Jaren at her side…and her new friends Emersyn and Ari, and even Judd who was as rough around the edges as his brother but now she understood him better.

They were both fierce alpha protectors through and through. And that was how Trinny knew with every cell in her soul that Jaren would find her and rescue her from this mess.
