Page 86 of Cowboy Under Siege

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Jaren walked back over to his spot and picked up his beer. Lifting it in the air, he said, “To Sentry. To the WEST Protection team and every single person who makes it the best of the best.”

Everyone who had a drink raised it high. Those who didn’t still echoed the tribute.

More people crowded around them to get in on what was happening. When Jaren spotted Trinny on the outskirts, he went right to her side. His heart bulged with the love he felt for her and every person in his life.

She tipped her face up to his. “Good talk?”

“Yes. I’ll tell you everything later.” He wanted her in his arms when he told her the rest of the story that concerned her and her mother. “Right now, I’d like to congratulate my brothers.”

She nodded and squeezed his hand.

The Abels clustered together. When they joined them, two of his brothers made room to include them in the circle.

Looking to Julius, he thumbed the brim of his white cowboy hat that made him part of the WEST team. “So no white hats for the task force?”

Julius issued a low sigh. “No white hat required.”

Judd squeezed his brother’s shoulder. “Just wait. By Christmas, you’ll be going country like the rest of us.”

They shared a laugh at the mock shock on Julius’s face.

The music was still playing, and even though it wasn’t their song, Jaren felt the need to tug Trinny into his arms and sway with her to the tune.

Boone Wynton lifted his jaw toward the new members of Sentry. “Wanna grab a couple ATVs and take a tour of the ranch?”

“Hell yeah,” said Jennings.

“Count me in.” Julius twisted from the group to follow.

Suddenly, Jaren very much wanted to take that moment to slip away with his lover. “Want to go for a walk, doll?”

Her eyes sparkled. “I thought you’d never ask.”

They slipped around the corner of the house, and hand in hand, set off in a slow stroll across the yard. The green grass unfolded into a pasture where horses grazed. In the distance was another field dotted with cattle. Behind that stood the mountains.

Trinny stared out at the view, a peaceful expression on her beautiful face. “I love this place. And I love your family already.”

His heart tripped with more emotions than he thought he’d ever be capable of handling. Slipping his arms around her, he brought her back to nestle against his body and tucked her head under his chin.

“I love this place too. And I love you.”

She twisted her head, and he dropped his lips to hers in a seeking kiss. When she spun in his arms, their bodies crushed against each other, and his cock stirred at the feel of her curves.

She issued a small moan that had his pulse hammering faster. “Those tall grasses look mighty nice right now.”

He rumbled a laugh against her lips. “You don’t know my brothers. They’ll be out there looking for us.”

Pulling back a little, she studied him. “You received a lot of news today.”

“Yes. All good.”

A shy expression washed over her face. “I had some news too, but I’m not sure it will stack up to what you already heard.”

He narrowed his eyes on her. “Anything coming from you is better, doll. What is it?”

The corners of her lips tilted in a soft smile. “Come with me.”

She took his hand and led him around the property to the barn. The entire way, he burned with curiosity.
