Page 2 of Sweet Refuge

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The scorch of chemistry between them made her nipples pebble inside the cups of her strapless bra. And a cord in her belly yanked at the scent of his fresh but spicy aftershave.

She swore she felt a ripple of heat—or energy?—zigzag up her spine.

Slade circled to her front again, his bad-boy smile fixed on his god-like face.

She tried not to look at his trim, black beard. Or recall how perfectly rough it felt on her inner thighs.

Her nipples stood at attention. Hell, they even saluted.

“Love the hair, Lena, but I miss the braids.”

She often wore her thick blondish-brown hair in two French braids that came to her collarbones.

Attempting to neutralize the insane chemistry bouncing between them, she breezed out, “Well, I’d go with this look more often but it’s hard to take out mercenaries with bobby pins stabbing your scalp.”

He huffed a laugh. Dear god, that sound. It plucked at every nerve ending in her body and left her prickly with goosebumps and more than a little turned-on.

As a server passed, Slade snagged a drink for himself. He held it up to her. Over the soap-bubble-thin flute, his eyes danced. “To the most beautiful woman in the room.”

He sipped, and she watched the swallow slip down his tanned throat. His Adam’s apple bobbed under his tight shirt collar before gliding back into place.

Darting her gaze around, she searched out anybody to talk to besides the man in front of her. They’d tried talking—several times. It never worked.

They just landed in bed together, and the cycle would start all over again.

Like in fucking Bosnia when her fury with him reached stunning heights and made it so she could no longer bring herself to look at him whenever teams Alpha and Charlie Blackout mingled.

Suddenly, she spotted one of her teammates.

“Frost!” she called out to him and darted into the crowd, putting as much distance between herself and Overstreet as possible.

Orlando Frost was one of the biggest guys in the room. And decked out in formal black, he looked even more huge. His stare hit her. For a moment, no recognition sparked in his eyes.

Then all at once, he realized who she was.

“Jesus, it’s Graham. Damn, I almost didn’t know you. I never see you dressed like that.”

He cradled a drink too, only it was a thick cut tumbler filled with amber liquid that could only be hard liquor and not the stupid champagne she had. She thrust her glass at him, ripped the tumbler out of his hand and knocked back the alcohol.

God, that burned. And it was just what she needed right now. Seeing Overstreet would drive any person to drink.

Frost cocked a brow at her. “Everything okay?”

“Peachy.” Her voice came out a little throatier due to the alcohol she’d just consumed. Craning her neck, she looked for more members of her team.

Frost tipped his jaw toward the corner of the room. “Sparrow and Bishop are over there talking to Commander Barrett.”

She returned her attention to Frost. “And the others?”

“Haven’t seen them yet.” He looked over her head. “Oh, there’s Overstreet.”

She issued a deep sigh. Turning, she saw the man cutting a wide berth through the crowd. His stare landed on hers and she caught the very slight narrowing of his eyes that told her he was amused by her attempt to escape.

Quickly, she leaped into conversation with Frost. “How is Eden? I haven’t seen her since the last cookout.”

The suspicious question in his gaze brightened at the mention of his significant other. “She’s wonderful but busy. She’s been working long hours on—”

A touch on Lena’s spine turned her mind into a black hole, and all of Frost’s words fell into the void.
