Page 29 of Sweet Refuge

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Slade approached Lena’s seat. Her head was twisted away from him, giving him a perfect view of her beautiful profile. Her delicate nose didn’t fit with the ferocity of her eyes when they were open. On the other hand, her stubborn little chin did.

He rested a knee on the aisle seat and leaned over her. “Lena, we’ve landed. The other guys are off the plane. You can stop pretending to sleep now.”

Her eyes popped open, glittering with irritation. “You think you know me so well.”

He gave her a crooked grin. “About as well as you know me, MJ.”

She cast off the blanket at the nickname for Mary Jane, Peter Parker’s girlfriend inSpiderman.

Instead of backing off at the warning glare she shot him, he leaned in closer. “Also, I can’t stop thinking about that night I took you to my room and we hadamazingsex.”

“See? You really can’t keep your mouth shut.”

“It’s just us on the plane, MJ.”

She stood quickly, forcing him to step back to allow her room. “Let me off.”

“I’m not holding you hostage.” He backed into the aisle and waved a hand for her to go ahead of him.

She hesitated for only a second before burning her way to the front of the plane so fast he wouldn’t be surprised to see scorch marks on the carpet.

Amusement rippled through him. As long as he could still affect her, he had hope. The day she stopped responding to him completely was the day it was truly over.

After he cleared the door and straightened to his full height, he spotted Frost and Mustang gathered in a tight ring with Lena, talking.

He forced himself not to slow as he took the stairs at a normal speed. Times like these he really felt the divide between teams. He was Charlie. They were Alpha. He was never triggered by jealousy that Lena spent time with other men. But he didn’t like feeling like an outsider either.

He strode up to them, forcing her to step aside and include him. “What’s the next move?”

“Blackout HQ.” Mustang slipped on a pair of dark shades. “You’ll join us and we’ll figure out where you go from there.”

“Sounds better than being chained to a pole in a ninety-five-degree garage.”

Lena flicked her gaze up at him. When the guys took off across the airstrip to a waiting vehicle, Slade hung back with her. “What do you say to dinner tonight?”

She folded her arms over her chest like a shield. Seeing that stubborn tip of her jaw, he knew she wasn’t going to bless him with an answer.

“That Italian restaurant is your favorite,” he wheedled her.

Wordlessly, she took off after her teammates.

In a few strides he caught up to her. “C’mon, MJ. We gotta eat.”

She whirled on him. “Stop calling me MJ! And I am going to eat—at a cookout. Tonight. At headquarters.”

“Then I’ll see you there.”

“Ugh! Why did I ever save you?”

He grinned and walked her to the vehicle. Again, Frost was behind the wheel. When Lena slipped into the back, Slade poked his head inside.

“I’ve got something to do. Catch up to you guys later.”

Frost arched a brow before shifting his gaze to Lena, who was acting as if none of them existed.

“See you at HQ.” Slade closed the door. Through the window, he met Lena’s glare. She flipped him the bird as they pulled away, which only left him chuckling.
