Page 35 of Sweet Refuge

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Pushing to his feet, he sauntered across the room to the table holding all the alcohol. He made sure to take the long route past Lena, coming close to her without rubbing against her.

As he continued toward the alcohol, he swore he felt her shiver, and his cock that had been half hard all evening stiffened to full length.

He didn’t expect her to follow him into the kitchen, but he made sure he was in plain sight when he poured more bourbon into his glass.

A few guys announced they were taking their wives home to bed. Gia had been hovering over Lena like a mother hen all night. When she announced she was leaving for home too, she gave Lena a hug—and Lena actually allowed the girly contact, which was the most surprising of all.

Half a dozen more times during the evening Slade pretended to fill his drink, keeping his fingers wrapped around the glass so no one saw that the level was barely going down at all.

Sparrow set the neat deck of cards on the table and pushed back his chair. “I’m heading out too. Gia will be waiting at home for me. Everyone, take a few days to regroup but don’t stray far. We don’t know what may be coming.” He sought Slade’s gaze.

Storm clouds always hovered on the horizon.

After Sparrow departed, the party seemed to die out. When Slade looked around, he couldn’t find Lena. But he knew where she’d be.

He headed to the kitchen, making sure to drag his feet on the floor. Reaching the doorway, he gripped the frame. Sure enough, she was here, stacking dirty dishes into the sink.

At the sound of his step, she looked up and issued an unmistakable groan. “What do you want?”

Every cell in his body told him to walk across that room and yank her into his arms. But he had to play his hand right or risk losing it all. And if he was right, he was risking far more than he ever dreamed of.

His throat closed off with emotion, which only helped his voice sound grittier. “I could use a designated driver.”

Her spine snapped straighter. “I noticed you made a lot of trips to the kitchen to refill your glass. How many did you have?”

“Enough.” He took a step forward but continued to hold the door frame as though for support.

“Can’t you take an Uber?” Then she answered her own question. “Of course you can’t. Nobody can know where HQ is. Dammit, Overstreet, you never stop being a pain in my ass.”

With a heavy sigh, she crossed the kitchen. When she stopped in front of him, his libido leaped at her closeness.

She tipped her head up to eye him. “Where am I taking you?”

“The scene of the crime.” He was staying at the same hotel where the gala took place—where they’d conceived their child during a night of blissful passion.

Her brow lifted, a soft, delicate arch. “You really are drunk. You’re not making any sense. Can you at least make it outside on your own or am I gonna have to carry your heavy ass?”

He laughed at that. Thing was, she could. She was small but strong as an ox.

Lena groaned again. “Get to the SUV, Overstreet.”

He swayed close to her, almost letting their bodies touch. Leaning in, he whispered, “Maybe I do need help.”

She recoiled. “Ugh. Your breath reeks of bourbon.” She planted her hand on his chest and shoved him back. “Go.”

As he followed her to the exit, he made sure to keep up the act of being too inebriated to leave on his own. He made a show of getting into the passenger seat of the SUV, taking two tries, and finally settled in next to her for the short drive across the city.

Neither of them spoke, but he took the time to study her in the dark. Her two-handed grip on the wheel told him how high her frustration level ran, and her stubborn little chin was set at a defiant angle.

He let his stare wander over her body to linger on her waist. He couldn’t be wrong about this.

They reached the hotel and she parked along the side entrance. Twisting in her seat, she said, “Can you get to your room on your own?”

He stared at her blankly.

“You can’t. I swear to god, Overstreet, if you barf on me…” she muttered as she got out of the SUV and came around to his side.

He pushed open the door and leaned on her all the way across the pavement to the door.
