Page 6 of Sweet Refuge

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Damn woman didn’t need a man, not even to zip her into a dress. That wasn’t even what bugged him.

It was the fact that she didn’t needhim.

“We never should have done this again, Slade.” She dropped her ruined panties into the wastebasket.

Launching himself off the bed, he faced her down. He towered over her five-eight frame and glared at her. “Why can’t you admit that we are good together?”

She sniffed. “I shouldn’t have let you rope me into this again.”

She swung around and legged it to the door. For a moment, he was too distracted by how banging-hot her body was to register that she intended to leave.

He lunged forward and threw himself in front of the door.

She locked a hand on her hip. “I’m leaving, Slade.”

“What is stopping you from letting there be an ‘us’ again?”

She closed her striking brown eyes. When she opened them, she let out a sigh. “How about the fact that we’re too different?”

“You mean too alike.”

“No, I mean we’re opposites.”

“You’re lying and you know it.”

“Well, I’m not lying when I say you like to control everything. And you play savior.”

“What’s wrong with that?” He spread his hands.

“Ugh. You don’t get it at all, do you? I don’t need rescued, Slade. Now let me out of this room before we make another big mistake.”


Eight weeks later

The seatbelt sign went off, and Slade shot to his feet. He wasn’t sticking around on the jet waiting for all the other passengers. They’d take forever gathering up belongings and fighting carry-on bags out of the overhead compartments.

He already had his bag in hand and rushed down the aisle toward the exit. Now that his vacation officially started, he was going to take advantage of every single minute.

Starting with a shot of tequila. He could almost feel the welcoming burn in his throat.

When he reached the exit, two of the flight attendants who’d taken turns checking on his comfort level during the short flight from California to Mexico threw him big smiles.

He returned their attention with a nod and ducked through the door.

The blonder of the two attendants had written her phone number on the cocktail napkin she served with his bottled water. He hoped she wasn’t too disappointed when he never called her. He just wasn’t interested.

When he stepped into the terminal, the scent of his surroundings threw him right back to a time and place he should want to run from. He’d honeymooned in Puerto Vallarta. With Lena.

Memories bombarded in as he wove through the crowd to locate the transport that would take him to the very same resort where he and Lena had stayed—and fucked their brains out for five magical, bowlegged days.

God, they’d been so young. So in love.

Now she was avoiding Slade. She refused to answer any of his calls or texts.

After their hookup the night of the gala, he shouldn’t be surprised. After all, she’d leaped out of bed like he just gave her a case of the clap and practically ran out the door.

But part of him had hoped…
