Page 62 of Sweet Refuge

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The vehicle hit another bump, slamming her down on his cock. With a jolt of resolve, she withdrew from the kiss and hurled herself onto the seat next to him. He twisted toward her, that bad-boy crooked smile rocking her all over again.

She gripped the seat and grated out, “Stop the car here, please.”

The driver braked and pulled over to the side of the road in a district that was a brisk walk from Blackout headquarters.

She looked to Slade. “Get out of the car.”

His eyes glimmered with wickedness. “Not without you.”

He looked past her. When she followed his gaze out the window, she saw what put that glint in his eyes and the quirk on his lips.

An alley, still shadowy enough to hide a couple if they got frisky in the open.

Slade already had his wallet in his hand, fishing bills out for the driver. Lena wanted to find some semblance of reason why she shouldn’t go into that alley with him, but damn if she could.

She popped the door handle and climbed out. Slade was right behind her, catching hold of her hand and towing her at a fast clip to the alley.

When he spun her back to the wall, hemming her in with his broad chest, arms braced on each side of her, she surged upward and kissed him.

The hard slam of their lips ignited her. She throbbed. The undeniable need inside her built to a crescendo, and she felt like if she didn’t get him right here and now, she’d die.

He walled her in with his body, angling it to conceal her from both ends of the alley and anybody passing on the street. One hand skated down her belly and plunged into her panties.

“Holy fuck! You’re soaking for me.” Sliding one fingertip along her seam, he watched her face as he buried his finger inside her.

“Slade!” She gripped his shoulders and yanked him down. Their mouths collided in a forceful kiss that spun her out of control. She had no sense of time or place. The traffic on the nearby street faded, and she only felt raw passion.

He sank his finger deep into her channel and his thumb landed on her clit, grinding it into her body. He swallowed her cry and continued pumping faster and faster. Her legs shook, on the verge of collapse, but he pinned her more firmly with his body, supporting her against the building.

A wave of ecstasy crashed over her. Her body thrummed like a heartbeat and she let go in a rush of sensation. Any noise was swallowed by Slade’s all-consuming kiss.

Too stunned to think straight, she blinked up at him and saw him smile.

“You don’t have to look so satisfied with yourself.” Her voice was reedy and hoarse.

Hovering over her, he cocked a brow. “I take pride in my work.”

She groaned. “These stupid hormones made me late, and now we’re going to have to sprint to HQ.”

His brow hitched higher. “Is that a challenge?”

Her inner competitor stretched its legs, preparing for the run.

“You know it, Overstreet. I’m faster than you.”

He made a scoffing sound. “Not for much longer.”

She ducked out from under his arm and dashed for the street. The pounding of his footsteps behind her spurred her faster, and she flipped him the bird as she broke out of the alley.

The cool morning air pulled in and out of her lungs. Her muscles hummed with exertion…and completion.

It struck her that Slade was running with a hard-on and almost lost her lead from the fit of laughter taking over. She ran faster, harder, pushing her body. Exhilaration nudged away any lingering morning sickness, so by the time they reached headquarters, she felt like she was at the top of her game physically, and her brain was at the peak of sharpness too.

She skidded to a stop at the back door. Throwing a look over her shoulder at the man barreling up behind her, she jabbed a finger into the fingerprint reader.

He shoved her to the side in order to blast through the door first. “Beat ya here.”

“Not fair! I got to the building first by a mile! You cheated by pushing me.”
