Page 66 of Sweet Refuge

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Sparrow nodded. “Yeah, we’re going to put a plan together now. I’ll send someone to find you when it’s settled.”

“Sounds good.” Without another word, she took off for her room, her strides tearing up the corridors. She needed to be alone for a few minutes. Lying down would be even better. All of a sudden, her energy was flagging.

She didn’t even get to her room before Slade was on her, clasping her arm and casting glances over his shoulder as he dragged her inside her room.

“What are you doing?” she demanded.

He shut the door and blocked her from leaving. Slate-blue eyes burned with more desire than she needed to see right now.

“You were sensational just a bit ago, MJ.”

Her breath hitched. For once, she loved the way the nickname rolled off his wickedly dirty tongue—a tongue that could do all the things she wanted and needed right now.

This was getting ridiculous. Was she sick, hungry, exhausted or horny? All of the above.

They stared into each other’s eyes. A thousand unspoken words passed between them.

He reached out and clasped her hand. The feel of his rough fingers folded around hers sent stinging tears into her eyes.

“MJ?” He hooked a knuckle under her jaw and lifted her face to his. “Tears. Why?”

She shook her head.

“Talk to me. Don’t shut me out anymore. I deserve to know what’s going on in your head.”

She dropped her stare to her feet. “I think—”

A hard knock on the door stopped her cold.

Slade released her hand and stepped to the side so no one would see him when she opened the door. Bishop stood there, his expression serious.

“We’re ready for that meeting,” he said.

“That was fast.” She straightened her spine. “I’m right behind you.”

Bishop gave her a nod and moved away with a degree of haste that suggested this op was happening sooner than they all expected.

As soon as Bishop was gone, Slade stepped up behind her. His strong arms drew her back against him, and his lips at her ear made her shiver.

“We’re going to have an important discussion, and soon,” he rumbled.


He slipped his hand around her waist, his warm palm covering her lower abdomen where the baby slumbered.

“I love you, Lena. Both of you.”

Tears sprang to her eyes, and a hot coal lodged in her throat.

“It’s all we really need. Everything else, all the decisions to be made and logistics to be worked out, is secondary.”

With a rough sigh, she nodded. Then she pulled away and walked out.

A few steps down the corridor, she heard Slade’s footfalls behind her. Aware of his presence—of him on her six—she got more into her head instead of out of it. And for the storm that was coming with Ramon’s son, she had to be laser-focused. She was fighting for so much. She had to get herself in and out alive—and now had to think of her baby too.

Slade’s soft, rumbling words echoed in her head…and her heart. He loved them both. She believed him too. The man was many things—arrogant, annoying and overbearing at times. But he was no liar. Besides, that look in his eyes could never be faked.

When she reached the war room again, Apollo stood at the door waiting for her. He sent a look behind her at Slade before letting her into the room. She walked in and twisted just as Apollo blocked the entrance.
