Page 11 of False Start

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I clicked on the message, and it turned out she was at least half right. “Holy crap, they want me to interview with Justice Kendall on Monday.”

“See, I told you.”

No matter how good of a school I went to or how high my grade point average was, as a recent college graduate, I had expected it to take much longer to get my foot in the door at K-Corp. Even just for an interview. Let alone one with a founding partner of the investment firm. “First I met Ames and now this. I’m definitely on a lucky streak.”

“And all because you let me fix you up on a blind date,” Charmaine bragged.

I didn’t argue with her logic…although I felt my good fortune had more to do with Ames horning in on that blind date.



Dakota had texted me on the way to her interview, and I’d convinced her to come to my place afterward to celebrate.

Dakota: What if I tank the interview?

Me: You won’t.

Dakota: But what if I do?

Me: Then we’ll get drunk and commiserate. But I promise, baby. We are going to be celebrating.

She sent back a kissy face and a heart, making me chuckle.

Her interview was in the early afternoon, so I’d blown off as much steam as possible at the gym. Once I got back home, I’d distracted myself by tidying up. I had a housekeeper who came in twice a week. I wasn’t a slob, but I had a habit of leaving little things all over. I was a bachelor…nobody cared if I left my keys and wallet on the coffee table, my beer bottle from last night on the end table, and my gym bag on the floor in the entry.

I was determined to convince Dakota to stay for dinner, so I put in a delivery order and scheduled it for seven.

When my phone finally rang with the number of the front desk, I was sitting out on my terrace that had a north view of Manhattan. One of the reasons I’d bought the penthouse was because of the incredible view of Central Park in the distance.

“Hey, Harry. Is my guest here?”

“Yes, sir. I just sent her up as you instructed.”

“Great. Let’s get her on the permanent list as soon as possible. And I’ll need an elevator access card for her.”

“Yes, sir.”


I wanted Dakota to be able to come and go freely. The thought of her being in my home while I was gone made me smile. Especially if she was still there when I got back. Hopefully, it wouldn’t take very long to convince her to move in.

The elevator doors slid open just as I walked into the foyer. Dakota stood in the center, wearing a very professional suit coat and skirt that somehow still managed to look unbelievably sexy. She was beaming, and as soon as she saw me, she ran over, dropped her bag, and threw her arms around me.

“It was amazing, Ames!” she cried happily as I swung her around in a circle.

When I set her down, she stepped back and started talking animatedly, her hands waving in every direction as she told me all about the interview. I grinned and picked up her purse, setting it on a little table before gesturing for her to follow me.

I led her into the living room and sat on the couch while she paced in front of me, obviously too excited to sit down.

“I don’t know for sure, but they talked as though they had already decided to hire me. It seemed more like they were trying to determine where I would fit best now that they’d met me. They said I should hear back in the next two weeks! I don’t know how I’m going to get through it!”

Laughing, I captured her wrist and yanked her down onto my lap. “Sounds like you need a distraction. Will I do?”

Dakota gave me a cheeky grin. “I guess that depends on how our third date goes.”

I’d never met a woman who made me laugh so much. It made her the whole fucking package, and I felt like the luckiest son of a bitch alive because she was mine.
