Page 16 of False Start

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“Sorry.” She shrugged, not looking the least bit apologetic as she grinned. “You can’t blame a mom for trying.”

I quirked a brow. “Sure I can…when you bring up babies to a man you’ve just met after my third date with him.”

“He might as well get used to it now since I’m always going to be like this.”

Now my mom was talking about Ames and me being together forever…and he didn’t look as though it bothered him one bit.



“Iwant to surprise Dakota,” I told Julie over the phone two days later. Dakota was out with Charmaine…something about mani-pedis. It was the perfect time for me to plan a little getaway. Somewhere with a beach so I could see my woman in a bikini every day. I went to my home office and called Dakota’s mom for help while I booked everything.

“I don’t know how long we’ll have before she starts the new job, and I want to spend some time alone with her. Where there won’t be any paparazzi or interruptions from anything else.”

Julie sniffled, and I had a momentary freak-out that she might not want Dakota to be with me.

“That’s so sweet! I’ll ensure she’s packed and ready to go when you arrive. What does she need?”

“Not much.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I did a mental face-plant onto my desk. “Because we are going somewhere tropical, not because…just, you know, summer stuff…”

I trailed off when Julie started laughing hysterically.

To my shock—and complete relief that I was alone—my face heated. “I didn’t mean…”

“Sure you did, Ames,” she giggled. “I’m not naive, honey. You think I don’t know what you two will do on a romantic getaway?”

I chose to move on rather than risk embarrassing myself any further. “Anyway, we’ll drop by tomorrow around ten.”

The plane we were taking was set to leave at twelve thirty from Teterboro Airport. I figured two and a half hours should be plenty of time to leave the city. I sent the information for the flight and resort to my email, then shut off my laptop.

“We’ll probably stay at my place when we return on Sunday, so I’ll have Dakota call you.” I hated the thought of her going back to her parents’ house. I wanted her in my bed every night.Maybe I’ll be able to convince her to move in while we’re gone,I thought.

“You want her to move in?” Julie screeched.

Fuck! Had I said that out loud? Shit! I’d been amazed her mom was so okay with me whisking her daughter away for a vacation when we’d only known each other for a few days. But moving her in after a week? Yeah, I’d probably just put myself in a very deep, dark doghouse that I would have to claw my way out of.

“Well, eventually. I—”

“I’ll take care of everything. Just leave me a key.”

“Wow…you and my mother will get along just great,” I muttered with a chuckle. Glad, but also a little scared by the prospect.

“Wonderful! Give me her number. I’m sure she’ll be happy to help!”

Her tone was jolly but also had that underlying “mom” voice that said she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Since this plan meant I got exactly what I wanted, I was happy to give our moms whatever the hell they wanted.

“I’ll text you her information.”

“Perfect. We’ll make sure everything is ready for her tomorrow and make ourselves scarce when you come to pick up her luggage. Have fun!”

“Thanks, Julie. I really appreciate everything you’re doing.”

“If you want to pay me back, don’t take any condoms,” she quipped before hanging up.

I stared at my phone for a good thirty seconds before I burst out laughing until my stomach hurt and tears streamed from my eyes.

The funniest thing about it, though, was that I was willing to give our moms that, too.
