Page 22 of False Start

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When she shattered into a mind-blowing climax, I planted myself against her cervix and exploded. As I did my best to leave a part of me behind, I growled, “Who do you belong to, Dakota?”

“You,” she whimpered.

“Fucking right,” I grunted.



Moving in with the first guy I ever dated after knowing him for less than two weeks wasn’t something I ever pictured myself doing. Then again, my imagination wasn’t big enough to dream up the reality that was Ames Yarrow.

He was the only man I could ever picture myself with like this. The only one I wanted to give myself to.

“Let me get you cleaned up,” he murmured.

He slowly pulled his dick out of my tightness, and our combined release trickled down my thigh. “Thank you.”

I watched his muscle bunch and flex as he reached for a washcloth and ran it under some warm water. Then he pressed against my inner thighs to widen them, and my cheeks heated. “Nothing to be embarrassed about when it comes to what happens between you and me, remember?”

“Uh-huh,” I whispered as he dragged the wet cloth over my pussy. Being cleaned by him like this felt almost more personal than having sex. His focus was centered on my core, and he was so gentle as he wiped away the proof of our lovemaking.

He tossed the cloth into the sink when he was done, and my legs wobbled as he helped me off the counter.

“Get back into bed, baby,” he suggested, nudging me toward the door with a pat on my butt. “You need all the rest you can get before your appointment in a few hours.”

I had gotten a ton of sleep last night since I’d apparently passed out on the way home, but I still yawned. “Only because you wore me out again.”

“I need to get as much of you as I can before your new job takes you away from me during the day.”

“They haven’t offered me the position yet,” I reminded him.

“But they will.”

His faith in me was a big boost to my confidence. Although I’d been sad to leave St. Maarten, I was looking forward to my interview at K-Corp. I was trying not to get my hopes up too much, but I had a feeling I would leave their headquarters with a job offer later today. “From your lips to their ears…but only figuratively. I don’t want you to make any calls to smooth the way for me.”

“Are you sure? I could—”

I pressed my finger against his lips to cut him off. “Nope, I already moved in with you way too early. Take that win because you’re not going to interfere with my job search, no matter how many billionaires with planes you know.”

He nipped at the tip of my finger, and I yanked my hand away. “I don’t know that many.”

“Oh really?” I asked, tilting my head and quirking a brow.

“Jeremy is more a friend of Rigby’s than mine since he’s known him since way back when he was a little kid in Wisconsin. I just got lucky that he was in New York City and not using his jet anytime soon,” Ames argued as he guided me back into the bedroom.

I climbed onto the mattress and pulled the blankets up with a grin. “What about the owner of your team?”

“Lennox Madison?” He flashed me a sheepish smile. “Yeah, I guess he counts as another billionaire I know who owns his own plane.”

I narrowed my eyes. “And I’m willing to bet that if you thought really hard, you could come up with at least one more.”

“Hmm.” He tapped his finger against his bottom lip. “I better not take that bet because you’re definitely right, especially since he’s married to the daughter of the man who owns the company where you’re interviewing.”

I planted my fists on my hips. “Promise me, no interfering. I want to get this job on my own.”

“If that’s what you really want, I won’t call Lennox and ask him for a favor.”

“Thank you.” With that settled, I watched him stride out of the bedroom. Curling around a pillow, I drifted in and out of a light sleep for the next half hour. Then the scent of breakfast filled my nostrils, and my eyes blinked open. Ames stood at the side of the bed with a tray in his hands.
