Page 25 of False Start

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My expression turned even darker, and I growled, “I am not going to let you leave without putting a ring on your finger, Dakota soon-to-be Yarrow. It’s the only way I’ll agree to this long-distance bullshit. And I’m not going to wait a year or two, or however long you have to stay in London, to marry you.”

Dakota’s eyebrows shot up, and she put her hand on my chest, shaking her head. “Six weeks.”

“You leave in six weeks?” I scoffed. “That’s more than enough time to plan a wedding.”

“No, the training internship in London is for six weeks.”

I stared at her in surprise as I digested the new information. “It’s only for six weeks?”

She nodded. “Yes, but that’s a really long time to be apart when we’re so new. I’m afraid your feelings for me will change, or you’ll meet someone else…” Her eyes filled with fresh tears, and I grasped her face, locking our eyes.

“There will never, ever be anyone else for me, baby. You are it.”

“I feel the same way about you. But—”

“No buts, Dakota. Besides, this discussion is completely pointless now.”

“Pardon?” She looked adorably confused and just a little offended, making me laugh.

“Baby, it’s only six weeks. We don’t have to be apart. I’ll come with you.”

Dakota gasped and clutched my wrists. “You’ll come with me?”

I nodded, then kissed her nose. “Damn straight.”

“But what about your job?”

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in the crook of her neck. “I need to start teaching you about football, baby. The guys will never let me hear the end of it if my wife knows nothing about what I do.”

“Okay. But can we get back to the part where you said you’d spend six weeks in London with me?”

I raised my head and smiled. “I don’t report for training camp for almost eight weeks. Until then, I can do whatever the fuck I want. And that means being wherever you are.”

“I…” Dakota lit up like the Fourth of July and beamed at me. “I can’t believe it! My dream job, spending six weeks in London, and being with you the entire time. You really are my good luck charm!”

Cocking my head to the side, I winked playfully. “I guess you owe me.”

She giggled and shrugged. “I suppose.”

“You do.” I stated. “And you can pay your debt by marrying me.”

Dakota’s expression turned soft and dreamy. “I’d love to marry you, Ames.” Then she pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. “But not until we come home from England.”

I pretended to consider her demand. “The week we come home then. That gives you a month and a half to plan it.”

She looked as though she might argue, then sighed and nodded.

“Deal?” I asked as I stuck my hand out.

“Deal,” she repeated, giving me a firm handshake. When she went to take it back, I tightened my grip and pulled her close, kissing her deeply before murmuring, “I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too, Ames.”

“Now…about that shotgun wedding…”


