Page 27 of False Start

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“I’ll take care of it,” she interrupted, snatching the text from my hands. “You go wait out there.”

I started to argue, but she pushed against my chest and muttered, “If you want me to pee on these sticks, then I’m not going to do it in front of you.” Sighing, I did as she asked and paced outside the bathroom door until I heard a flush and the sink turned on.

Without knocking, I strolled back into the bathroom, ignoring her glare in the mirror. After she dried her hands, I put my arms around her and held her to me, her back to my front. I rested my chin on her shoulder and watched the window of the test. “How long did they say we had to wait?”

“It said three to five—”

I whooped when the word pregnant suddenly appeared and spun Dakota around so I could lift her up and kiss the hell out of her.

When I released her lips, she clung to me with arms around my neck and legs around my waist. I chuckled at the dreamy look on her face and set her on the counter.

I leaned in, and she lifted her face for another kiss, but that wasn’t my objective. When I stood upright again, I had another little box in my hand, and I pushed it into hers. “Let’s just make sure.”

Dakota’s lips curled down in annoyance, but she didn’t protest. She wanted to know as much as I did.

Five tests later, I grinned at the counter where there were three sets of double pink lines and two little windows with the word pregnant flashing in them.

I turned Dakota to face me and dropped to my knees so I could place a soft kiss on her belly. “This is amazing,” I breathed.

“You’re really happy about the baby?” Dakota’s tone held a note of vulnerability, and I looked up at her with an earnest smile.

“I’m fucking ecstatic, baby.” I climbed to my feet and put my hand on her waist, then captured her chin between my thumb and forefinger to make sure she didn’t look away when I asked, “Are you?”

Dakota blinked a few times, and my heart dropped when I realized she was holding back tears.

“I know you wanted to wait…”

She shook her head and smiled brightly. “I’m more than happy, Ames. My worries about what people would think were stupid.”

“Hey.” I frowned. “Not stupid. It was a legitimate worry, but no one will ever question how much I love you and our kids, baby. I won’t let them.”

She beamed at me and placed her hand over her stomach. “We’ve only known for a few minutes, yet…I’m already in love with this little peanut.”

I grinned and kissed her thoroughly. “How about I feed my fiancée and our little one, then we can practice making them a brother or sister.”

Dakota giggled and went up on her tiptoes to brush a sweet kiss over my lips. “I like the sound of that.”

Hours later, we were lying in bed after making love for the…I’d lost count of how many times. Dakota was sprawled on top of me, with my cock still buried inside her, and I was drawing football plays on her back with the tips of my fingers.

“Ames?” She lifted her torso and folded her arms across my chest before resting her chin on them.

“Yeah, baby?” I brushed some wayward, red and black strands of hair away from her face.

“Tell me the truth. You didn’t get me pregnant just to make our moms happy, did you?”

“Fuck no,” I grunted. “I love you, Dakota. And I want to start our life together, to marry you, and see our family grow, nothing else matters.” I quickly flipped us over and hovered above her, using my elbows to keep the brunt of my weight off her. “There are many, many perks to knocking you up, baby. And getting our moms off our backs doesn’t even rank in the top ten.”

Dakota laughed, and her lower body clenched, causing my semi-hard cock to swell. “Perks, huh? Like what?”

I cupped her incredible tits and squeezed them, making her clench again. “You have the world’s greatest rack,” I groaned. “But I am still excited to see these grow and to taste their cream when you’re feeding our babies.”

She whimpered and arched her back as she locked her legs around my waist.

“There’s also knowing that any motherfucker who looks at you will know without a fucking doubt that you’re taken,” I growled. Slowly, I rocked into her, almost teasing her with the small thrust. “Seeing your round belly and knowing I bred you is going to be hot as fuck.”

She tightened her legs, but I kept my movement slow and shallow. “Ames,” she whined desperately as she wiggled, trying to encourage me to speed up.

“Hush, baby. I’m telling you about the perks. Let’s see, oh yes, fucking you bare.”
