Page 51 of The Darkest Ones

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I swear every time I say that word to Seven I think he will completely lose it. There’s a pause. He takes a long, slow breath, then finally, he stands and without a word, peels his T-shirt off. The jeans go next. He isn't wearing underwear.

“Lie down on the mattress,” Seven says.

I crawl onto the mattress and lie down. It's even nicer and more comfortable than it seemed just looking at it, and I now regret not taking his offer to sleep here instead of on the hard floor.

My gaze drifts to his impressive erection. Whatever moral issues he may have with this situation, it doesn't affect what his body wants right now. He lies down beside me on the mattress and begins to gently stroke me.

I’m sure the voice will interrupt and stop him. I'm sure the voice wants Seven to be hard and rough and mean about it, but there’s no interruption. There’s no commentary. The touches start innocent and sweet. He brushes my hair away from my face, and runs his fingertips through it several times. He strokes my cheek, then drags his thumb gently over my lip as he unconsciously licks his own.

His hand trails down my neck. Hands graze down and then back up my arms. Gentle strokes down and back up my legs.

“What a pretty bare cunt. I like it,” the voice says over the speaker. I flinch at this.

I don't wax for the visual or tactile pleasure of men. I do it for myself. I like the way clothes feel when they brush against that bare intimate flesh. I like the way it feels when my fingers drift over and play with it.

I had a salon appointment a few days ago. I know I shouldn't have. I couldn't afford it. But the cost of rent was so much higher than the cost of waxing, and I just wanted something normal and routine to make me feel like everything in my world wasn't falling apart. That seems so long ago now. The specter of homelessness that had loomed over me now feels so trivial in light of everything.

Seven's eyes are filled with lust, and I know he agrees with our captor about the lack of hair between my legs.

“We'll have to keep her waxed,” the voice says. “When the time comes, do you want to wax her, or should I?”

We both know our captor is just trying to upset us. But it's working. Seven goes back to touching me, determined to block out our seedy voyeur. He rubs soothing gentle circles over my belly, and then those same movements happen again with each breast.

I let out an involuntary gasp as his mouth latches onto my nipple and sucks it into a hard point. The arousal that was lacking from my own body suddenly awakens at his mouth on my breast. Then he moves lower.

“Spread your legs,” he says, his voice going more guttural. The command is a command by every understanding of that word. It’s as though he’s crossed some imaginary bridge in his mind, and he’s now ready to play the role of my owner.

I spread my legs, wordlessly inviting him to touch me, to lick me, to fuck me. I'm starting to care less about the cameras because I'm beginning toneedSeven inside me. Like Seven, my body doesn't care about the actual situation. It wants what it wants. It’s a primal dance with music we may not consciously know, but our bodies know, and they want to play this erotic symphony together.

The more he touches me, the less guilt he seems to feel about touching me, the more he treats me as a lover he has every right to possess.

I arch up against his mouth, my fingers desperately clawing at the mattress for purchase, anything to anchor me and hold me to this plane of existence. I moan as he sucks on my clit. His fingers dig into my hips as he greedily devours me.

“Stop,” the voice says.

Seven stops, irritated now by this new command. He doesn't want to stop.

“Pretty Toy, look into his eyes and beg him to let you come.”

When I look into Seven's eyes this time, a real shift has occurred inside him. Gone is any hesitation to take me. His body and mind are in accord, and I know he will soon fuck me breathless.

“Master, please let me come.”

This time when I say that word, he doesn't flinch. His jaw doesn't clench. The anger doesn't show up. There’s only lust. It won't take long for him to love hearing that word come out of my mouth. He already wants to love it. I decide this is better. If he winces or turns away when I call him master, it will only shame me. His acceptance and desire is better.

Seven goes back to work on my pussy, his mouth unrelenting until I come, writhing and moaning and panting, unable to control my erratic need to feel these feelings under the precise control of his tongue.

When the pleasure recedes, and I'm wet and open and soft in his arms, he mounts me. I gasp again as he fills me. I've never been with a man this large before, and even after my orgasm and arousal, it takes a moment for my body to adjust to his size.

He begins to move slowly inside me, until I'm once again arching up into him, my body begging him for more of this dark violation.

“Please, Master,” slips out of my mouth before I can stop it, and he drives into me harder.

Pleasure tightens the cords in his throat as he lets out an animalistic sound. I join him again, a second wave of pleasure cresting over me as he grinds against my clit. Then he pulls out of me, gets up off the mattress, and puts his jeans back on.

Now that his lust has been fed, he looks guilty, ashamed. He can't meet my eyes. And I hate that. I feel wrong for this, but I liked who he was a few minutes ago, when he didn't give one flying fuck about the cameras or the situation. When I was something he wanted, something he'd decided to take, and his desire and need to be sheathed inside me was the only reality that existed between us.

A couple of water bottles are tossed in through the slot in the wall, then several minutes later, a plate of the promised steaming hot food. Seven takes it as it comes through the slot and then there is a second plate.
