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Which meant, someone would be left behind without a partner, and that would—-

Not be me,Fredericka thought determinedly as she swiped her phone from the tiny table next to her lounge chair. Lifting it up over her face, she began typing fast.

There’s a difference between having no one to dance with, she told herself,and choosing not to dance because you’re busy texting.

She was the latter,obviously.

Fredericka:Hey, what’s up?

Sergei:About to meet someone.

Sergei:As for you...

Sergei:Shouldn’t you be dancing now?

Sergei:Says so in your itinerary.

Fredericka:We don’t have an itinerary.

Sergei:You do.

Fredericka:And even if we had one, how would you know what’s in it?



Sergei:It comes in various currencies.

Fredericka:Oh my God, can everyone be bought now?

Sergei:Da, pchelka. Shouldn’t you have accepted that by now?


Fredericka: There’s still hope for humanity, you heartless billionaire.

Sergei:How can you say that when right this minute I am actually spending my precious time humoring this woman who has no friends?

Fredericka:I have friends!

Sergei:Your cousin and former therapy-session-partner do not count.

Fredericka:They’re still my friends, and what do you mean you’re humoring me?

Sergei:You only text me out of the blue when you don’t want to look like a loser.

Fredericka:Well, sorry if we can’t all be the life of the party like His Ego-ness.

Sergei:Ya znayu ob etom.

I am aware of this,Fredericka translated. Her Russian had improved by leaps and bounds, mostly thanks to the times when the billionaire was acting all mysteriously brooding. In those instances, he would insist on talking to heronlyin Russian, and conversely he’d only pay attention to what she was saying if she answered back in Russian.

He was a perverse jerk, in other words, but because he was also one of the few persons she couldn’t live without, she had just let it go.

Well, that and fact that it was also sort of cute that the normally mature Sergei Grachyov had a secret childish side to him.

Smiling, she typed her answer to the billionaire.You could have just typed IKR.
