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Seeing the executives lined up to greet them, Fyodor grinned, and the sight of it had everyone cheering. It meant that another multibillion-dollar-deal had been successfully closed, and as was tradition for the company, it also meant bonuses for everyone, all the way down to the rank and file.

When Sergei joined him, Fyodor said, “You’re doing it again.”

“What?” It was hard to hear his father over the deafening roar coming from the chopper, whose engine was still running.

This time, Fyodor waited until they made it to the elevator and were on their way down to the lobby. Turning to his son, he said, “You were doing it again:smilingwithout reason.”

“You must be mistaken.”

“Nyet.” A grin curling on his lips, Fyodor continued matter-of-factly. “I’ve instructed security to make sure they save the footage of every instance they see you doing it. It shall be my wedding gift for Fredericka, a scrapbook full of your candid photos.”

Sergei cursed, and his father laughed.

By the time the pair made it to the lobby, the two was arguing heatedly, with Sergei threatening to resign as vice president if Fyodor pushed on with his plans.

On their way out of the building, Sergei’s phone vibrated, and Fyodor saw his son’s face harden as he read his text.

“Is it Fredericka?” he asked abruptly.

“No,” Sergei said slowly. “But it is a matter that does require my immediate attention.” Looking up, he asked apologetically, “Can you let Fredericka know I will be a bit late?”

“It can’t be about work, can it?” Although he had been gradually increasing Sergei’s workload in preparation for his son’s eventual promotion to CEO, Fyodor still knew everything that went on with his company. Right now, he couldn’t think of anything related to work that would warrant such concern.

Knowing his father would keep on digging until he was given a satisfactory answer, Sergei lied, “I need to meet with Elsa Nilsson, and you must keep it from Fredericka.”

Fyodor’s face became grim. “Are you cheating on your fiancée?”

“No, but Elsa is threatening to make up stories about us, and I’m only meeting her to teach the woman a lesson.”

“Then there is no need to lie about it.”

He shook his head. “You know how Fredericka is, Papa. She still has issues, and until I have my ring on her finger, I’m not taking any risk that could cause her to bolt.”

Fyodor reluctantly agreed then, knowing that Sergei was right about his woman. Fredericka was a lovely girl, and he couldn’t have asked for a better daughter-in-law. But he also knew of her past and did not blame the younger woman for still struggling to trust his son.

The waiting limousine took Fyodor home while Sergei went straight to the basement. Slipping behind the wheel of his sports car, he drove to a nearby hotel, where his mother Tanya Darby was checked in.

“You’re late,” were the first words his mother uttered upon letting him in. A tall, beautiful brunette in her forties, she had a silk robe over a rumpled black dress, and there were large bags under her eyes.

“And you’re drunk,” Sergei returned coldly. Even if his mother had bothered to clear out the empty bottles of cognac from the room, he would still have known she was intoxicated. Tanya reeked of alcohol, and by the looks of it, his mother had also not showered for days.

Tanya returned to her seat and crossed her legs, saying nonchalantly, “It makes poverty bearable.” Born to a rich family and spoiled rotten by her parents, Tanya had lived all her life expecting to be pampered. She had dumped Fyodor for a wealthier husband, and when her second marriage hadn’t worked, she had moved on to a third husband.

But that last one hadn’t worked too, and even worse, the bastard’s lawyer had managed to convince the court that Tanya didn’t deserve any kind of alimony.

And so for the first time in her life, Tanya had found herself bankrupt and with absolutely no one to turn to – except for this man seated in front of her.

“A monthly sum will be deposited to your account—-”

“How much?” Tanya asked baldly.

Lips tightening at how vulgarly mercenary his mother was being, Sergei managed to answer in a level tone, naming a sum that visibly surprised Tanya.

“The deposits will continue for as long as you abide by my rules.”

“And those rules are?”

Sergei leaned back against his seat, saying simply, “Don’t contact any of my family.”
