Page 20 of His Christmas Wish

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“I do like you. And I’m going to like you for more than one day,” she says, her voice low and serious.

“Yeah? How long?”

“As long as you want.” She gives me a peck on the cheek and leaves her office.

I stand there, where she left me, feeling a new lightness in my chest.

Today is the first day of the Christmas holiday, and I’m spending it with Ayaka. I brought one bag of clothes plus a few gifts I got her. We managed to keep our hands off each other at work for the rest of the week.

When I packed a bag and put it in my car, Ayaka seemed to like me thinking of this in advance. When she saw my bag, I got a kiss and then I got to fuck her against the door of her apartment.

We have a few days before Christmas Eve, so we set up presents under her very pretty Christmas tree and pull out the puzzles from her closet.

“Did you get your presents sent?” Ayaka asks, stacking five puzzles on top of each other.

“Yeah, I sent them Monday and they should be there by the time they get home. Sometimes between Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve.”

I take the other few puzzles and we head to the living room. I look at the couch and the stool where our relationship went from boss and employee to something else. I can still remember Ayaka siting on the stool while I sat on the couch, and I watched her fuck herself with a vibrator. That memory is always in my mind, and I have spent quite a few nights reliving it.

“Great. I gave all my presents away. Now I’ve just got yours. But you can’t see them until Christmas.” I can’t see her because the puzzles are stocked in front of her face, but I can feel her smiling. She loves teasing me.

“Oh!” she says. “We’re going to have roast beef on Christmas, if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.”

Our conversations are now so domestic. Even though we’ve always been casual together, it’s different. Probably because I can wrap my arms around her and not get in trouble. I kiss her cheek, then down to her neck, and Ayaka wiggles her butt into my crotch, waking up my cock who’s gotten more attention in this week than the twenty-some years of its existence.

“Um, I have something I’d like to address,” I say, trying to keep my dick down so I can talk, but it’s not really working.

“Yeah?” Ayaka says, panting, with a look of heat and lust in her eyes.

Oh, yeah. I could get used tothatlook.

“I’ve been thinking about what’s going to happen after the holidays with work stuff.”

“Oh?” I can see Ayaka start to pout, but she takes a deep breath, straightens herself, and crosses her arms over her chest. “Do you have a plan?” she asks, wearily.

“I thought about opening my own business. I know it’s a big undertaking, but it’s what I wanted to do originally when I graduated. This morning, before I came into work, I talked to a buddy of mine who’s going to help me,” I told her.

“Is this going to work out for you?” Ayaka asks. There’s her business mind, always starting with the logical and important part.

“I think so. I mean, my friend already has a bit of a startup business and I’d be adding to it and we’d build from there. I’ve got money stashed. Enough to help me through the growing pains. It’d mean I’d quit working with you.”

Ayaka smiles at me again.

“Yeah? I mean, I’d hate to see you leave, but I’d also love it.” Her face wrinkles as she thinks about how that sounds out loud.

I chuckle and walk toward her. Rubbing my hands over her shoulders, I whisper.

“I get it,” I say and kiss her on the nose.

“So, then it’s settled. You are fired and can now start your own journey. And I will be here every step of the way,” she says.

I pull Ayaka up into my chest. I tip her head up by my finger and ask, “So, boss. What’s my last assignment?”

A wicked grin pulls against Ayaka’s lip as she says, “Your assignment is to fuck me over the edge of this couch. Hard,” she commands.

I grin and turn her around, then push her over the couch.
