Page 7 of Jude and Hannah

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“Don’t you dare come up here. I should have been ready an hour ago, husband.” She peeks her cute head out of the doorway, and I can tell she is naked up top. My entire body is turned towards the stairs, primed to go up, but she squeaks and shuts it, locking it behind her, knowing I will have her on her back in seconds.

“Calm down asshole.” I berate my cock adjusting it. He wants his mama night and day.

Since our wedding we have fallen into a zone. A newlywed, lust filled, cocoon of bliss and love. Yes, I love my wife. I think I fell in lust and obsession the moment I saw her on the day her sister married Jasper, but now, having her in my arms every day and night, my heart has followed suit.

She started driving lessons this morning and I have never seen a woman so excited to do something as basic as that before. The driving instructor, who took an immediate liking to her and in my opinion, stared at her a little too long, was all smiles after their first lesson. I definitely have to look into getting him replaced.

This afternoon after her lesson she and her sisters went dress shopping for the dance. She asked me if I intended to go, and I looked at my beautiful woman and kissed her pink cheeks. I smiled and told her of course we are going.

Now I am standing down here pacing, waiting for her to appear at the top of the stairs, so I can run up and pull her into my arms.Bzzz.“Shit.” I pull my phone from my pocket and see it is my mother. Damn. “Hello Mother.” I love my mom. I know it doesn’t sound like it, but I do. Her and my father have been out of the country for the last two months opening up a new international branch of our bank in Abu Dhabi, so they know nothing about my marriage, and this is not how I plan to tell them. Maybe I don’t have to right now.

“Don’t mother me young man. Your poor old parents could have been kidnapped, or being held for ransom for all you know.” Her offended voice makes me smile. I can picture her soft nurturing face trying to scrunch up but failing. I hear my father in the background trying to plead my case, feeding into her silliness.

“Mother, I apologize. I have been incredibly busy as you know. I of course have been getting daily emails about your footsteps. I would never not know where you are.” It is true, My parents are my lifeline. They are my roots. I would be lost without them. Well, I would have been if I had not found my future.

“I suppose. But you have to make it up to us.”

“Anything. What can I do?”

“We are coming in in two days. You could host your parents in your home and wait on us hand and foot.” Oh fuck. I was not expecting this. What the hell am I going to do? Knowing my mother she is going to be really upset about missing my wedding. Damn it. “Jude.” My silence is making them concerned and that is the last thing I want.

“I’m here,” I answer, my mind racing trying to come up with an excuse why now would not be a good time. I have never lied to my parents before and doing so now feels wrong.

“Son, what is going on?” My father asks, having taken the phone from my mother. Crap. I might as well get this over with.

“I didn’t want to do this like this, but there is no better time. So here goes.” I take a deep breath and blurt it out. “I got married four days ago.” My mom gasps in the background and then my father groans. He removes the phone from his face for a few minutes then he is back on the line.

“Thanks a lot son. Now she has me charting a private plan to get us there faster.”

“I figured. So when will you arrive?”

“Tomorrow night.” Great.

“Alright. See you then.” Right as I am hanging up my wife touches my shoulder. I feel so annoyed I missed her coming down the stairs, but her touch calms me.

“Who will we be seeing?” I turn and put a smile on my face when I see how innocent she looks. She is wearing a powder blue flowy dress that comes just past her knees. This is the shortest dress she has worn thus far. It is sleeveless and comes to a modest v in the middle of her chest. Her hair, so shiny and soft, is over one of her shoulders and my mouth waters to lick the exposed skin. I know the minute I mention my parents this mood will be over, so I opt not to say anything right now.

“Everyone in a few minutes.” I hold my arms open, and she walks right into them like she has been doing it forever. “You look beautiful, baby girl.” I tell her before kissing her lips. Her cheeks turn crimson, her innate shyness never ceases to amaze. “How can you still blush from something so simple as a compliment, baby girl?” She shrugs her shoulders and buries her head in my chest. I hold her tighter, so addicted to the feeling of being responsible for her pleasure, her joy and guarding her love.

“Is this fancy enough? I didn’t know if this was too simple or…” I put my finger over her mouth and stop her doubts.

“Baby this is an old cowboy town. We are all simple. Flash here is lost on the few families left. Although, I think you deserve something shiny and new.” She looks at me confused until I pull my hand from my inside jacket. Two light blue boxes are inside of them.

“What is that?” she asks, biting her lip.

“Open them.” I answer her, voice hoarse with unspent desire, watching her bite her lip. Looking at me curiously from under her lids, she opens the first box, and my stomach begins to turn hoping I haven’t gone too far. Her eyes light up when she sees the earrings in the first box.

“Jude, my word. They’re gorgeous. I don’t, I don’t think I can wear these. It must cost a fortune.” My ego deflates a bit realizing I should have known better. She comes from a way of life where these types of frivolous things are frowned upon. Trying to make sure I don’t show the disappointment in my own stupidity, I look up at her and smile, closing the box.

“Of course my love. Please forgive my man brain. I should have known you wouldn’t want something like this.” I turn to put them on the side table when she gasps and places her hand on mine.

“No, Jude it’s not that I don’t want them. What woman wouldn’t? I just don’t want to lose them. I would be destroyed if they somehow fell out of my ear or are damaged. Besides, I can’t change these earrings for another few weeks.” Immediately the cords of shame that were spinning inside of me begin to uncoil.

“I see. Well first of all, these are insured my love, and the moment your ears heal, it would do me a great honor to see these in your ear. Until then, how about this one?” I open the second box and show her the Tiffany’s necklace that is engraved:Jude’s Wife.

“Jude, I love it.” She turns and presents me with her neck. “Can you put it on me?” She lifts her hair and I growl, walking up behind her.

“Of course I will. But tonight, I am going to fuck you in nothing but this.” She shivers and turns in my arms once it has been clasped. I slide my tongue into her mouth, and lift her against the wall, rubbing my overly pissed cock against her panty and dressed covered pussy. Her little whines and cries of pleasure have me pulling back, gasping for air, trying to find the willpower to take her to this dance. “Let’s go, wife so we can come back. I need you.”
