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“Eventually,” she says.

“It’s a beautiful love story.” I mean it. “I wish I could write it.” The words come out without me thinking.

“Oh, you’re a writer too then?” Ivy asks and then turns to her husband in confusion. “I thought you told me that Olivia was Jace’s temporary PA?”

“I did,” Alec says.

“A wannabe writer,” I say quickly. “I hope to write such stories someday. Real-life stories.”

“You can do it,” Ivy says. “You just need to believe in yourself and just start. Don’t overthink it. Tell you what, write it down as a story and send it to me. I’ll read it and give you some feedback and if you like, some pointers.”

“Would you really?” I ask. It’s exciting to have Ivy Martin read my work. It’s one heck of an opportunity to get feedback from a professional author.

“I’d be happy to,” she says.

“Thank you.” I fish my phone from my purse and she gives me her email address. I’m not sure what I’ll do with the article after I’ve gotten feedback from her. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

“You should be flattered,” Alec says. “I’ve never heard my wife make such an offer to anyone.”

“I am,” I say. “Really. Thank you.”

“I like you,” Ivy says. “You’re so open and wholesome, plus you’re dating Jace. That counts for a lot. We’re practically family already. Besides, you’re not planning on submitting that story anywhere, are you?”

“Ivy!” Jace says sharply.

“Ivy!” Alec says to his wife.

“Calm down guys,” Ivy says. “Olivia knows I’m only joking, right, Olivia?”

I can hear the sound of my heartbeat thrashing in my chest. “Of course,” I say.


Jace can tell something is wrong and he asks me about it on the way home. “Are you okay? You were very quiet for the last hour. Did someone or something offend you?”

I’m too upset to keep quiet. “You shouldn’t have told your family we are dating without discussing it with me first. I’m an employee, Jace. It’s awkward to have people knowing about us.”

“Are you serious? That’s why you’re upset?” he says, his voice incredulous.

“Yes. I’m not ready for anyone to know,” I say, clenching my fists on my lap.

Jace is quiet for a while and when he speaks his voice is laced with hurt. “You prefer to keep me as your dirty little secret?”

“What?” I ask him. “No, that’s not it, Jace. But what we have is not serious. We’re just messing around. You don’t go telling your family who you’re sleeping with all the time do you?” I’ve made things worse. That sounds horrible. Like I’m a total bitch. I inhale deeply and force myself to calm down and think.

“Is that what young people do? Sleep around and keep it a big secret?” he asks in a cold voice.

Young people? Now I’m boxed in with young people. My anger stirs up another notch. “That’s not what I said. Please don’t twist my words.”

Calm down, Olivia. Be rational.

I look out the window. I can’t get out of my feelings enough to be rational. The rest of the ride to my place is quiet. My chest aches with physical pain. I hate that we’re already fighting but the truth is that he shouldn’t have said anything about us when we ourselves haven’t defined what we’re doing. It’s confusing enough without other people being involved. Jace brings the car to a stop in front of my apartment building and I unbuckle my seat belt. “Thanks for a great night.”

“Don’t say things you don’t mean,” he snaps.

“I did have a great night,” I say, stunned by his response. “Well, I did before I knew that everyone was aware that we were sleeping together.” Tears fill my eyes and I have no idea why. I can’t let him see them. He’ll think I’m an emotional wreck and I feel like one right now.

“Goodnight.” I open the door and hurry out without waiting for his response.
