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She smiles mischievously. The movement of her lips as she sips her wine makes me want to kiss her right then and there. “I carry a diary everywhere I go.”

“A physical one?”

She laughs. “Yes. I think I’m the only one on the planet who does.” She unhooks her bag from the chair and removes a pale green diary and holds it up. “There it is.”

“You’re adorable,” I tell her. I want to know everything about her. Everything.

Chapter 16: Olivia

My phone lights up with a message. It’s from Charlotte and I click on it with a mixture of guilt and excitement. I’ve missed our weekly dinners and I haven’t talked to her in a while.

Hey stranger. Do you want to pass by for coffee after work?

I glance at Jace’s door and then at my watch. It’s fifteen minutes past five and Jace and his brothers have been closeted in there for almost an hour. A yawn escapes my mouth. I’m exhausted after the weekend and the temptation to leave is very high.

I’d love to. On my way.

I hit send and open the browser and type in Jace’s name. I’m obsessed with the thought that there might be a clearer picture of us somewhere making its rounds on the internet. My fingers tremble as I scan the images for any new pictures of Jace with a woman. None. I heave a sigh of relief.

I sit back and make myself breathe in and out. I’m not cut out for undercover work. No scratch that. I would probably have done it successfully if I hadn’t slept with the boss. I bury my face in my hands. I allowed my attraction to Jace to take control. I stare at my still-shaking hands.

The thought of my face being splashed on newspapers has had me in a near panic since yesterday. It dawns on me that it’s not my job that I’m sick with worry about. It’s my relationship with Jace. What was I thinking when I started this thing with him? When he finds out, he’ll think that I slept with him to use him, which is not true. My heart pounds so hard, it hurts my chest. I entered into this without giving it any serious thought. The person who will get hurt the most when it comes out is one who does not deserve it at all.

I need to get out of here. I glance at the office door. I’d planned to wait for Jace to finish his meeting with his brothers. We hadn’t made any plans to spend the evening together but I’m sure he’s assuming that I’ll wait. We’re more or less a couple now. A shiver runs through me. What have I done?

Before turning off my computer, I take in the article I was working on for the last hour. It’s the first of the batch of articles that I’m writing for the clinic brochure.

Writing such personal stories of couples’ journeys and their willingness to do whatever it takes to grow their families is fulfilling in a way I haven’t felt in a long time. Amelia has started hounding me about sending stories to her so the magazine can start publishing small introductory pieces. The thought of it makes me nervous as hell but I keep telling myself that every journalist going undercover for the first time feels that way.

I turn off my computer and gather my things. Going to visit Charlotte will relax me and help me rid of my worries for a while. I need to get out of my own head.

Charlotte and Marcus live in the suburbs and I drive with the window down. The breeze whips through my hair and for the twenty minutes it takes to get to their home, I’m carefree. One day, I’ll have a convertible. There’s nothing as relaxing as driving with the wind caressing your face.

My troubles return in full force when I park my car behind Charlotte’s car. I let out a sigh and slowly trudge to the front door. I ring the bell and a few seconds later, my sister-in-law opens the door.

“Hi Char,” I say, joy rushing through me.

Charlotte and I hit it off the first time that Marcus introduced us. She quickly took on the role of big sister and with her, our little family expanded.

“Hey, Livia,” she says as we fall into each other’s arms.

She shuts the door and we walk into the house hand in hand. This reminds me of the day Jace and I went to his brother’s house for dinner and the sight of his nephew hugging him fiercely and Jace’s face softening with love. I can’t wait to experience the same thing when Marcus and Charlotte have a baby. I know she wants one.

“Marcus isn’t home yet,” Char says. “I left work earlier and I’m glad I did. This way we can have a girl chat before he comes.” She links her hand through mine as we head to the kitchen. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too.” The aroma of coffee hits my nostrils when we enter the kitchen.

Charlotte pours coffee into two mugs while I toss my handbag on the island and sit down.

“Have I ever told you how much I love this kitchen?” I say. Like the rest of the house, the kitchen is a blend of traditional and modern finishing. Wooden panels, white cabinets, and marble countertops.

Charlotte laughs as she slides my mug of coffee to me. “Only a thousand times. Thank you. I also know what you’re thinking even if you’d never say it.”

“What?” I ask, genuinely puzzled.

“That we need to fill it up with little babies,” she says in a serious tone. I open my mouth to deny it, then promptly shut it. This is not about me and the best thing I can do is to listen.

“I’m sorry for bombarding you with my problems as soon as you enter but it’s not something I can talk about with just anyone,” Char says, her voice tearful.
