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“It’s okay and I like that you can talk to me, us, about anything,” he says. “Women think that they can pull that off but not many can. I could have told you for free that you’re too sensitive to do that kind of thing.”

“I agree,” Charlotte says softly.

“I’m not sensitive.”

Who am I lying to? These are the two people who know me the most.

“What am I going to do?” I ask, despair creeping into my voice.

“Break it off with Jace Anderson,” Marcus says.

My eyes widen and I look at him like he’s crazy. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

“It’s the only way, hon,” Charlotte says. “If you guys have feelings for each other, it’s not fair to continue with the affair. It’s not fair to Jace.”

She’s right but that doesn’t make it any easier to swallow. I don’t need Marcus and Charlotte to spell out to me how hurt Jace will be when he discovers that I’m a journalist and not a personal assistant. But losing him now? My heart constricts, already breaking from the imminent loss.

“You’re right,” I say. “I’ll tell him tomorrow.”

I’m close to crying. I drain my cold coffee and stand. I have a sudden urge to go home.

“Stay for dinner,” Charlotte says.

I shake my head. “I’m too tired. I just want to go home and sleep.”

“Let me pack you some pasta to eat at home,” Charlotte says.

“That will be great, thanks.”

“Come to the party we’re throwing for one of our celebrity clients. They are a rock group and it's bound to be a wild party,” Charlotte says. “It will do you good to let your hair lose. Ask Chris to come with you.”

I smile weakly. “Okay. Sounds like fun.” Chris will love it. He loves those sorts of parties.

Chapter 17: Jace

I run my fingers through my hair, tired of listening to Dylan go over the importance of having a free clinic again. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss equipment and upgrades that we need but as always Dylan found a way of bringing up the free clinic. I must admit that I’d hoped he’d let it go since he hadn’t brought it up in a while. No such luck. “Why don’t we discuss this with Mom and Dad over dinner tonight?” I suggest.

“Good idea,” Alec quickly says and stands up. I’m guessing that he’s tired too and wants to go home to his family. I want to spend time with Olivia before she goes home, even if it’s here at the office. I stand too and Dylan follows suit though he doesn’t look too happy about it.

“Fine,” he says. “It would be nice if you two backed me. You like the concept, don’t you?”

I nod. “Of course. I like giving back too but it can’t affect our paying clients. That’s always been my issue.”

He nods. “I get that.”

I walk them out, expecting to see Olivia at her desk. She’s not there. Disappointment crushes me. My brothers leave and I return to my office to check my phone. She didn’t call or text goodbye. My lungs constrict. Idiot. I can’t believe that I’m so affected by Olivia leaving without seeing goodbye. I’m a fool because dammit it hurts. She knew that I was going to my parents’ house for dinner and we won’t see each other until tomorrow.

Maybe after the intense weekend, she needed some space. We spent two days and nights together and maybe it was too much for her. I’ve felt like that in the past after spending a weekend with a woman. Not with Olivia though. It felt right and time went by too fast.

What if it’s not the same for her?

I wouldn’t be the first man to fall for a woman who doesn’t reciprocate his feelings. I’m falling really hard for her and I hope it’s the same for her otherwise, I’m fucked.

How did this even happen? How did she sneak so deeply into my heart? Become someone I can’t do without? A need to check on her comes over me, even though her apartment is only fifteen minutes away from the clinic. The smart thing would be to give her the space she obviously needs but I find myself texting her to ask if she’s okay.

I don’t feel like going to my empty apartment so I settle back to read some industry news online. I glance at my phone. It’s painfully quiet. There are not even any work-related messages coming in to give me hope that it might be Olivia. I stay in the office until it’s time to leave for dinner at my parents’.

I text Olivia again.
