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“And what will you tell them?” Olivia avoids eye contact as she winds a strand of her hair around her finger. I'm left completely confused as to why she's so opposed to spending time with my family. All I want is for her to meet my parents.

“The truth,” I say. “That you’re my girlfriend.”

“That seems like such a big step. Can’t I just meet your parents as your friend?” She gets up and goes to the fridge, where she rummages for a few seconds then returns with a container of strawberries. She pops one in her mouth and another in mine.

Her words hang in the air between us, heavy with meaning and expectation. I am dumbfounded, feeling a strange mix of emotions—hurt and confusion, but also a smolder of hope. Maybe she’s just frightened. We love each other, so why is this such a big deal for her? I don't know what to say. I feel a mixture of hurt and confusion as her words sink in. Is she not proud to be my girlfriend? It is hard to tell, but I bite my lip and try not to let my emotions get the best of me.

“I understand,” I say, finally finding my voice. “But don’t you think it’s time to take the next step? I would like our relationship to be taken seriously, and I think telling my parents that we’re dating is one way to show that.”

She is quiet for a moment, and I begin to feel hopeful. Maybe she is ready to take the next step after all.

“Okay,” she says softly.

“How about tomorrow evening?” I ask her, excitement coursing through me. I never thought this moment would come when I would introduce the love of my life to my parents. Olivia is special and I know they’ll see that right away.

“I can’t. I’m meeting Chris tomorrow after work,” Olivia says.

I feel like I’ve been slapped. “But why do you have to meet him now? You've known him for years, can't you reschedule?" I can hear the slight hint of desperation in my voice. I really want this and I want Olivia to want it too.

"No," Olivia says firmly, her eyes hard. "I told Chris I'd be there and I plan on keeping my word."

She can meet Chris any other day, can’t she? I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "But this is important to me too.”

"I'm sorry," Olivia replies, her expression softening somewhat. "But this is important to me too. I need to keep my word and meet him. We can do your family dinner another time."

I feel my heart sink. I want to show off Olivia, to tell my family how amazing she is. “Saturday?”

She shakes her head and I understand then what this is all about. She’s not ready to meet my parents. So many questions fill my mind. Are we just playing around or do we have a future together? Is it just fear or she simply doesn’t want that level of commitment?

I nod my head and force a smile onto my face. "It's alright," I say, though it’s not really alright. I want to introduce Olivia to my parents as soon as possible, to show them how important she is to me and how much I care about her.

We’re going around in circles. I get up and carry our dishes to the sink where I proceed to wash them even though I have a dishwasher. I need a moment to think. The scrape of a chair breaks the silence and in the next moment, Olivia wraps her arms around me and lays her head on my shoulder.

“Please don’t be disappointed in me. I like taking things very slowly and I feel as if we’re rushing. Meeting your parents is a big deal, Jace.” She kisses my back and shoulders. “I want to do it at the right time.”

My treacherous body begins to stir. I turn around and cup her face. I kiss her softly nudging her lips open. Olivia’s mouth tastes of grapes and wine. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her closer to me. My hands explore her curves and I feel her body respond to my touch. Olivia slides her hands up my back and clings to my shoulders as I deepen the kiss.

We break away, and I take a few steps back, gazing into her eyes. The passion between us is palpable. Olivia presses her body against mine. I can feel her heart beating faster and her breath becoming shallow.

I lean in, kissing her neck lightly. She gasps softly and I move my lips to her ear, whispering sweet nothings as I trail my tongue down her neck. Her breathing grows steady and I move my hands to her hips, holding her close.

We stumble to the counter, her back pressed against the cool marble. I push her dress up, my hands exploring her soft skin. She moans as my fingers trace patterns along her curves, down her waist, and up again. I slip my fingers between her legs. She's wearing crotchless panties. My breath hitches. I stroke her soaking-wet folds. I'm so hard, it's painful.

My mouth presses against hers as I press myself against her. Her lips part as she wraps her arms around my neck, and I feel her body melt against mine. I thrust my hips against hers and feel the heat between us. I can barely contain myself as I whisper in her ear, telling her how much I love her. I lower my shorts and pull out my cock. Withdrawing my fingers from her pussy, I replace them with my cock.

The intensity between us grows and I can feel her body quiver with pleasure. I reach around her and grab her hands, holding them against my chest. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I thrust my cock in. We move together, creating a rhythm that is both tantalizing and tender. Our bodies move in perfect harmony. We orgasm together and I stay inside her until the last moment.

Olivia wraps her legs around me as we fall away from each other. We collapse on the counter, our breaths coming fast, and I turn my head to look into her eyes. She brushes my hair from my forehead and kisses me.

"I love you, Jace," she says. "Be patient with me. Please."

At that moment, I can promise her the world.

Chapter 24: Olivia

Guilt has been tearing at me since yesterday. I’m haunted by the look of hurt on Jace’s face. But how can I agree to be introduced to his parents as a girlfriend when I know in less than a month and a half, I’ll be out of Jace’s life? No matter how guilty I feel, I have to protect him from future pain. It’s one thing to meet his siblings and quite another to meet his parents.

I look up at a few minutes to ten and a second later, Jace’s door opens and he walks out. My breath hitches at the sight of him. It thrills and saddens me at the same time to know that he’s mine.
