Page 19 of Priest

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“Thanks. Bethany’s been concerned that Quinn might be on her own. I was going to send my drummer over to check on her, but it seems that’s not necessary,” Frankie says. I can almost hear the grin coming through the phone.

“I got her,” I state simply.

There’s a pause, followed by a few footsteps, then Frankie says, “Look, Quinn’s Bethany’s best friend. These two are like sisters. I gotta ask, who are you to Quinn? Are you on duty tonight? Or what?”

“I’m in it. And by ‘it,’ I mean Quinn and I are building something here. Not sure where it’s going, but we’re going to find out,” I say. “Normally, I don’t explain my shit to anyone, but seeing that Bethany is Quinn’s girl, I’m making an exception.”

He laughs. “Bethany’s gonna be disappointed. She was hoping Quinn would fall for our boy on the sticks. She wanted Quinn on the road with the rest of us.”

“Not gonna happen that way,” I say with a little more force than necessary.

“Right. Right. I get it. Do me a favor and have Quinn call when she can. Bethany and her usually talk once a day, and she’s due,” he jokes.

“You got it. Probably not until morning. She’s wiped out, and with any luck, she’ll be out till morning.”

After a quick “bye,” I lift Quinn with my arm under her knees and the other bracing her back. Her head lolls onto my chest, and she mumbles, “I liked meeting your family. They’re nice.”

She’s already accepted the Pride as my family. I hate the thought of her meeting my parents.


Unfortunate Encounter of the Worst Kind


I’ve spent the last few days waking up and going to sleep with Quinn in my arms. Guard gave me the time I needed to take care of my woman, and that’s exactly what I’ve done. I’ve made meals and thrown in a couple of loads of laundry, but my favorite part is brushing out Quinn’s hair. Her wrist is better, but still sore, and when I saw her struggling, I took the brush from her. I found my spot behind her in the bed and ran the brush through her thick brown locks.

“I could get used to all this pampering,” she said. When I was done, I had her lean back into me, and we talked for hours. I found out her first pet was a dog named Mellow. A couple of weeks into having her puppy, they had to give it back because her sister is allergic. Broke her heart, but as Quinn said, “I couldn’t give up my sister.” Still, there’s a wistful sadness at the memory.

I slowly bared my soul. I talked about the petty theft and my criminal record. The excessive drinking I used to do and the occasional weed. It didn’t faze her in the least. Her comment was that most people in their youth do that at one time or another. Some more and some less. I shared that I wasn’t around for Camille when she needed me, partly because I was trying to survive in my own way, and partly because I was being fed a line of lies about how she abandoned the family.

There’s still the history of John and how he managed to fuck up his life so royally that it nearly took Camille and me with him to the grave. I don’t even know how to start about my parents.

Even in the kitchen, I had an ache in my gut when I opened the fridge and saw that there wasn’t much in there. That was my life for years. There was never enough food on the table, but plenty of booze and cigarettes lying around. The next call I made was to Hammer asking him to pick up groceries. He and Thunder delivered them within the hour and got to meet Quinn.

True to form, Quinn invited them to stay for lunch. “Just canned soup and sandwiches, but you’re welcome to eat with us.”

It seems that Quinn has a way about her that makes it impossible for anyone to say no. Even the formidable Thunder caved under the spell of those violet eyes. When the guys jumped in about motorcycles and parts, she was leaning in, listening. I meanreallylistening.

“What’s the crankshaft do?” she asked. After a minute and a half of the guys laughing, they broke it down and explained the internal engine of a bike to her.

Everything is so amazing, except that my dick is at war with the rest of me. He’s fucking hard all the time. I jerked off so much in the shower, and yet the second I see Quinn, the devil cock comes alive again and again. Pretty soon, I’m going to have a sprained wrist.

I want to do this right. Quinn deserves to be wooed, although I have no idea how to do it. But I must be doing something right because she’s constantly touching me, caressing my cheek or snuggling into me. Even now, while watching the movieRed, she’s half lying on top of me and kissing my neck.


“Mmm…” She hums against my skin, her hand running down my chest as she moves her leg between my thighs.

“Babe, this is going to end in bed if you keep doing that,” I warn. She grazes her fingers over my bulge, resting them there. I close my eyes tight and count backward from ten, which does absolutely nothing for me.

“I’m okay with that,” she whispers in my ear.

“You’re recovering,” I remind her.

“That was days ago.” She draws back. “Do you not want me anymore?” She does that biting thing with her lower lip.

I can’t help but sink my fingers into her silky hair, pulling her so that our lips are almost touching. “Christ, precious. You are enough to tempt the saints in heaven. I’m trying to be a good man here. To give you time to get to know me and do things right.” Her response is to grind her lower half into my dick. “You’re killing me,” I moan.
