Page 22 of Priest

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When we pull up to the compound, we can already hear the sounds of laughter. What I notice most of all is the rows of motorcycles and the absence of cars. The bikes are beautiful. You can tell how much pride these men take in them. Each one of them has exquisite detailing. I wonder which one belongs to Priest.

As we walk past, Priest sees that I’m entranced by their beauty. “You like bikes?”

“Never been on one.” I turn my head back to him.

“I’ll take you on a ride. Not today. I want you to heal up good, but next weekend, I’ll take you to one of my favorite places.”

Yippee! I get to ride with Priest on the back of his Harley. The excitement must be showing on my face because he grins bigger and locks an arm around my waist, giving it a squeeze. We continue to walk through the main common areas. I was expecting a complete man cave, and although there’s a pool table, foosball table, and dartboard, it also has dark brown leather couches and pretty cool crafted knotted-wood end tables with little knickknacks here and there. Even the bar is made of the same knotted pine wood and seems well looked after as well as well stocked. I would imagine a woman’s hand was in the mix when I notice throw blankets tossed over a chair and an ottoman.

“This is where we hang most of the time,” Priest says. He points down one hallway. “That way is the gym. We added a sauna a year ago. Guard’s private office and special rooms are there too.” Then he nods in the other direction to a spiral staircase. “That’s where the brothers have their own rooms. Not everyone. Most of the married men go home, except if we’re on lockdown, and if that happens, we all make space. I can show you my room later.”

The word “lockdown” gives me a jolt. “Lockdown?”

“Doesn’t happen often. If a threat comes around, we don’t want our families out there without protection. We bring them to the compound. This place is safer than Fort Knox. Orion and Wildcard are our technical geniuses, and Risk is a master security man.” He notices my apprehension and repeats, “Like I said, it doesn’t happen too often, and it’s more for peace of mind.” Then he stops short of the doors that lead outside to the back and faces me, dropping his hands, purposely not touching me. “This is my life and these are my people. If this scares you, we gotta stop what this is right now. I will never turn my back on the Pride. They gave me purpose, and a family. They gave me back my sister, even though I didn’t earn it at the time. They believed in me when I didn’t.”

I take a deep breath. It’s no different from Bethany calling me for help. I would walk through fire to save my bestie. Climb mountains for my sister and her family. Risk all I have for my parents. His devotion is passionate. It’s what makes him who he is.

“I can deal,” I state firmly.


“I. Can. Deal,” I repeat. I jerk my head to the patio doors. “I’m getting hungry. Are you going to feed me?”

He pauses, his gaze roaming my face, looking for a chink in my armor. There is no chink. I’m in.

“Can’t have my girl starving.” He quirks his lip upward, then takes my hand and walks me through to his family.

I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I didn’t think bikers pushing kids on swings, hanging in the sandbox making vroom-vroom noises, and manning the grill was on my list. I am whisked away within seconds by Priest’s sister, Camille. Vi hands me a mimosa, and sits me down next to her. When Bethany and Frankie come in a few minutes later with Demon and Sofia and their son, they do the same to her.

There’s good food, lots of laughter, and a great time all the way around. I can’t help but find myself glancing over at Priest, who must sense my eyes on him. He gives me his sexy smile, and I think, for the first time ever, that I truly belong.

My parents adore me. Mom and Dad have always wanted the best for me, but they had their own perception of the career path I should have taken. Eventually, Dad stopped pushing the conversation. I’m sure he was the one who stopped Mom from putting her two cents in each time I’m home for a visit.

As the evening approaches, the kids are whisked away to their beds, and whether it’s by choice or drawing the short straw, the epic kid sleepover is going to be at Risk and Hanna’s. The barbecue moves inside, and the grown-up party begins.

This is where you see the freedom of the club come alive. Only certain people are invited to these parties, several of whom are biker bunnies. That’s what Ava calls them. They’re women who are attracted to bikers and will take them any which way they can get them.

The music is blaring, hips gyrating to the beat. The Lady Pride are dancing in a group, and their men are either watching up close or joining in. Priest has me moving back and forth to the melody, my head resting on his chest. It’s been a great night. Meeting the rest of the guys and hanging out with the ladies, while being plied with awesome bratwurst and burgers has been just what Priest and I needed. Bethany enjoyed herself as well and when Frankie, Demon, and Maddie did a little impromptu jam session. Everyone stopped to take in the marvel of their collaboration.

Everyone knows how talented Maddie is. Her voice is sublime. Frankie is a soulful singer and blends well with Maddie’s sound. Demon, however, is the one I’m most impressed with. I shouldn’t be because I was a fan way back when his band was hitting it big, but he’s different now. His music has more meaning. The words reach deep, and when he sings, his passion comes alive. Yet, he doesn’t need to be up front to share the stage. He hangs back and lets Maddie and Frankie do their thing, but it must be said, it wouldn’t have been half as good without his voice.

Priest teases me, “Do I need to be worried?”

“Never,” I tell him. “But he’s magical when he sings. I wish he’d put out more music. He seems to be doing a bunch of collaborations with other artists, but nothing alone.”

“He will when he’s ready and the time is right. He’s done a lot of writing, but nothing down on tracks yet. Demon follows his own path. He won’t be rushed, and it has to be what he considers to be perfection,” Priest says.

Wildcard comes over with Charli, carrying a couple of beers with him. He hands one to me and the other to Priest. I see what Priest meant when he spoke about the bond between him and Wildcard. It seems that Roscoe, Wildcard, Hammer, and Priest are pretty close.

“That’s what happens when you work together,” Charli says. “Wildcard is the tech guy. Roscoe and Priest are mainly the bounty hunters, with Hammer working in line with all of them.”

Hammer comes over to chat with his brothers, but his eye is on the girl desperately trying to get his attention. She’s pretty and is giving him “come fuck me” signals. She came with a bunch of other girls, and they’ve latched on to any member who doesn’t have a woman on his arm.

One was on her way over to Priest, but he’s quick to shake his head and draws me closer.

“Someone you know?” I say.

“Not anymore,” he replies. “I wasn’t a saint, babe, and I’m not going to pretend I didn’t have a life before we met.”
