Page 24 of Priest

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I ignore the questions and fire back, “I repeat, what do you want?”

“Is that any way to talk to your mama?” It’s confirmed: she hasn’t changed one little bit. She sets her hands on her hips and leans forward, trying her intimidation tactic. Little does she know that doesn’t work anymore.

“You came to me, uninvited, I might add. For two years, you ignored my calls to check in and see if you and Dad were okay. I got nothing. I got your message: I’m dead to you. Camille is dead to you. But you show up, on your terms, as you always do, spewing shit to my brothers, and I’m supposed to do what? Kiss your ass? You’ve got no right to be here. I don’t need you, and Camille doesn’t want you here.” I say my piece and turn my back on her to walk away.

“I birthed you. I gave you life, and you can’t give me five minutes?” she shouts at my back. I can’t help it—a pang in my gut hits me. I’m about to turn when I see Quinn barreling toward me. Judging by her expression, she’s heard every word and she’s pissed. I haven’t shared all of my past with Quinn. The parts I’ve told her about, she’s been cool about. Petty theft and joyriding is small shit compared to a fucked-up home life and a brother who almost got the Pride killed in a battle for territory, but the worst of it is being beaten to shit to pay for my brother’s sins by a gang he stole from.

How does a woman deal with all that, no matter how great the sex is? It’s too much to ask of anyone. I brace for Quinn’s accusations, meeting her gaze only to have her look past me and continue on until she reaches my mother. She’s only stopped by War’s gentle hand that keeps her next to him.

“And who the fuck are you?” My mother lunges towards Quinn. Before I can make a move, Orion has a hand on Mom’s chest and is pushing her back.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Orion says.

Mom sneers. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Beat up an old woman?”

“A mother protects her children,” Quinn exclaims. “You don’t go around spreading lies from one kid to the next just to get your way. You teach them to share, raise them to believe in themselves, and lead by example. It’s a wonder Priest turned out as great as he has with a mother like you. He’s an amazing man, and your daughter is a gem. I will not let you talk about them that way.” Quinn mimics my mother’s stance, edging into her face.

That’s when my mother goes too far and puts her hands on my woman, shoving her backward. Quinn teeters, but finds her legs. I reach out for Quinn and pull her back and behind me.

“Tell me you did not just put your hands on my woman,” I growl.

“She got in my face. I don’t take shit from some pussy you’re fucking,” Mom spews.

Expelling an audible gasp, Quinn grips the back of my jeans. The rest of the crowd has gathered around, and I can hear Bethany by Quinn’s side. “Let him handle her, honey.”

“I’m not leaving him with her,” she insists. Suddenly, Camille is by my side, and Steady is right there with her.

“Congratulations, Mother. Once again, you took a perfect night and destroyed it,” Camille tells her. Not that this is having any effect on our mother. She couldn’t give two shits what we want.

“If it isn’t the negligent daughter,” Mom drawls. “All high and mighty now that you’re fucking a biker-gang asshole. How many men did you have to spread your legs for before you got the royal treatment, huh?”

“You’re done. Get her out of my sight, before I put my hands on her,” I shout. I’m barely holding it together and don’t trust myself to go easy, mother or not. Orion and Hammer take her by the upper arms and begin showing her out.

“Your father’s dying,” she shouts, striking the blow she’s been winding up for since she got here. “He asked for the two of you. I have no idea why he wants to see his two worthless offspring. The only one who gave a shit about his mama and papa was taken from us. Least you could do is give a man his final wish.”

Camille latches on to my free arm. Quinn burrows under my arm and holds me tightly around my middle. There’s a burning in my chest, a churning in my stomach that makes me want to vomit. My father’s no better than my mother, for different reasons. He wasn’t present, not even at my birth. He was too busy placing a bet at the racetrack. The only upside of my birth, according to my mother, is that he won that day and brought my mother flowers.

My father named me. James was his father’s name. I still don’t understand why, since I know that Dad left home at eighteen and never saw his parents again. Even when my grandfather was dying, my father refused to go back. I should do the same. Whatever I did, it wasn’t good enough. I got great grades in elementary school, but that didn’t matter. I joined the football team thinking it would make him proud, but my Dad made me quit to find a part-time job because I needed to help support my family. By the time I was seventeen, I had given up on what my dreams could be. The only thing I was doing was surviving, and that alone was a full-time job.

“Well?” Mom says. “What do I tell him?” The guys release her only to have her pull more attitude as she taps her foot impatiently.

Steady speaks for the first time. “Where is he?”

“Jacob Memorial,” she says. It’s a mediocre health unit at best. Overcrowded, without enough nurses to take care of the patients. Dad’s been a dick, but he doesn’t deserve that.

“I’ll make arrangements,” Steady tells her. “But for now, you need to leave.”

Mom walks away as haughtily as she came in.

“Baby.” Quinn’s sweet voice calls to me. I tear my eyes away from my mom and down to her face.

“Welcome to the unfortunate encounter of the worst kind called my mother,” I say.


Nice Room

