Page 47 of Priest

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I have her settled on the couch with a pile of magazines beside her, and she’s pouting because I won’t give her her laptop.

“I have a deadline,” she whines.

“You got an extension.” She was so worried about this new project that Bethany called and explained the situation to the CEO. They were more than sympathetic and extended the contract beyond the six-month term to make sure that Quinn had time to adequately recuperate.

“I’m bored. All I do is sit here day in and day out.” It’s a good thing she’s so adorable, even when she’s being a pain in my ass.

“Quinn, be reasonable. I’m worried out of my fucking mind. The memory of seeing you in the hospital is something I may never be able to get rid of.”

Her face softens, and she cups my cheek. “I’m sorry you saw that. But I do need some normalcy. We’ll compromise. I get the laptop for one hour in the morning and one in the afternoon.” It’s hard to disagree when she’s being so sweet. That doesn’t bode well for our future, because that means I’m going to give in a lot.

“One hour.” I sigh. I kiss her tenderly. She wraps her arms around my neck, taking our kiss deeper, flicking her tongue into my mouth. I want her so badly that my cock is straining against my jeans, as it has been since the first night she was home and snuggled in next to me.

I was so terrified of hurting her, I was up most of the night watching her sleep beside me. I pull away, unlocking our lips. She lets out a frustrated mewl.

“Babe, I’m trying to be a good guy here. You’re recovering from a gunshot wound. We can’t be doing what I want to do to you. I’ve had three cold showers so far today, and it’s only ten in the morning,” I growl.

She giggles. Then she laughs. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve seen today. I relish this moment, because I think of when I didn’t know if I would ever hear that sound again.

“You’re laughing at my blue balls? I’ll remember that when you’re fighting fit. A spanking for sure, and I may tie you to the bed and fuck you all night long until I’m finally satisfied,” I tell her.

Her eyes light up, a mischievous smile on her lips. “I look forward to it.” She winks.

“Christ, you’re killing me.” She pulls me down, touching her forehead to mine. “It’s good to be home.”


The Verdict


Six months later…

I stand at the back of the courtroom, watching as the jury files back into their assigned seats. I glance to the left side of the courtroom and see Camille and Steady standing side by side. Camille’s no longer wearing her cast, and she just announced that she’s pregnant with her second child. Her belly is hardly showing, but she caresses her belly every now and again, like a woman does when she’s expecting.

Priest stands next to his sister, with an arm around his fiancée, Quinn. Quinn is still feeling the aftereffects of her wound, but she’s getting there. Priest always has his eyes on her, making sure she isn’t overexerting herself.

Quinn’s testimony was very detailed. I don’t think everyone was aware of what happened in that apartment until she spoke on the stand. By the time she was done, there was no way Betty Turner was going to be found innocent. Priest held it together through it all, because his focus was Quinn.

Roy also testified about the fraud his wife was attempting by forging his signature for the sale of the house and his will.

The list of transgressions are lengthy, starting with attempted murder. Bringing the gun shows intent. Even though the victim was Quinn, it could have been Camille or Priest.

When I look to the right, I see the woman who caused my family so much pain. There’s no remorse in her heart. She’s still spewing shit that can’t be proved, mainly because it’s all lies. Her eyes are like daggers stabbing right at my brother Priest.

“Will the defendant stand,” the judge says, then turns to the head juror. “Have you come to a verdict?”

“Yes, sir,” the middle-aged woman responds.

“Please state your decision.”

“We, the jury, find the defendant guilty on all charges,” the woman says.

Priest’s mother goes ballistic. The guards move to restrain her, and now she makes a rush toward Priest. The guard grabs her before she reaches him. Priest remains stoic. He hasn’t moved a muscle. Quinn, on the other hand, has latched on to his arm, clearly fearing for his safety.

I turn to Ghost, who is standing beside me, watching it all unfold as I’ve been doing.

“Make the call,” I say.
