Page 52 of Albert

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I tap my thumb against the steering wheel, slowing down as a group of youths cross the road. As I pull off, I notice one of the kids making an exchange with a passing guy on a pushbike. I frown, pulling over a little farther down and glancing in my mirror. It’s Ollie. I check my watch. It’s noon, and he should be in school.

I get out the car and lean against it. “Ollie,” I shout, and he glances back. “Over here.” He makes his way towards me. “Why aren’t you in school?”

“What’s it gotta do with you?” he asks, smirking.

“Everything. Does your mum know you’re bunking off?”

He shrugs. “Mum’s happy, that’s all you need to know.”

“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”

He grins, glancing over at a Subaru as it slows to a stop. The windows are blacked out, so I can’t make out who’s inside, but Ollie heads off and gets in the back. It pulls away at speed, the tyres screeching.

I get back in my car and put a call in on the handsfree to Maverick. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” he drawls when he picks up.

“You heard from Rosey recently?”

“Nope. She ain’t answering my calls. Meli tried too, no luck there either. She’s made herself clear. I can’t keep chasing her.”

“I just bumped into Ollie. He’s skipping school.”

Maverick laughs. “We all did that at one time or another.”

“She walked away from us all to concentrate on him. I know she’d make him stay in school.”

Mav sighs. “You’re right. I’ll send someone to her place. Unless you wanna go?”

“Not a good idea. I saw her two weeks ago and told her I was done with her.”

“How did she take it?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I’m not dead yet, so better than I expected.” I stop outside Lauren’s house. She’s sitting on the front step and smiles wide when she sees me. “I gotta shoot. Let me know how you get on.”

I step out the car. “You waiting for me?”

She bites her lower lip seductively, and I try not to roll my eyes. She’s been trying everything to get me to fall for her. Grabbing my hand, she leads me inside. The place is bustling with people. I frown and ask, “What’s this?”

“A housewarming,” she says with a shrug.

“Lauren, I don’t need a roomful of people seeing us together,” I snap.

“We’re old friends, it’s not suspicious. Come and see my brother. It’s been ages.” I let her pull me towards a group of people. I recognise Dax the second he turns to face me. He grins wide, holding out his hand, which I shake.

“Well, if it isn’t the legend, Albert Taylor,” he greets. “Good to see you, man.”

“Dax, it’s been a while.” He grabs a bottle of beer from a nearby bucket and passes it to me.

“I’ve heard you’re doing good for yourself,” he tells me, and Lauren hooks her arm through mine, resting her head on my shoulder. “I’m pleased for you, Albert. And you’re looking fantastic. Money suits you.”

I drank way more than I’d planned to, and as I flop down on Lauren’s couch, I pull out my mobile to see some missed calls. Before I get a chance to check them, Lauren climbs onto my lap, facing me. “What a great night,” she says, taking my bottle of beer and sipping some. “Admit it, you had fun.”

I smile. It was good to catch up with her brother. “I need to call a cab,” I tell her.

“Or . . .” She grins. “You could stay here?”

“That’s not a good idea.”

She groans. “Just give in to yourself,” she says. “I know you feel it too. Why won’t you let yourself go?” She places the bottle on the table, practically pushing her breasts into my face. Then she runs her hands over my cheeks. “We have something,” she whispers.
