Page 71 of Albert

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“Are you upset?”

She shakes her head. “I thought I might be, but actually, I’m calm.”

“What did the note say?”

“I’m choosing to leave.”

“Do those words mean anything to you?” I ask.

“I told her she had a choice, to stay or leave. That’s my answer.”

I place a kiss on her head. “I’m sorry, baby,” I whisper.

“Ollie needs to know. Should I wait or get Mav to tell him?”

“I’ll tell him,” I say. “If that’s okay with you.”

Ollie is out front with Mav, looking over a motorbike. I’d rang ahead to inform Mav about our morning visit from the police. He didn’t seem surprised either. He spots me and pats Ollie on the back, so he also looks up. We shake hands. “Does Mum like the house?” he asks.

I smile, nodding. “But that’s not what I’m here about,” I tell him.

Mav guides him to the wall, and we sit down. “We had a visit from the police this morning. Apparently, your nan and Dougie took an overdose last night.”

Ollie stares wide-eyed. “Are they okay?”

I shake my head. “Your mum wanted to be here to tell you all this herself, but we couldn’t get hold of Jill to clear it. They passed away, Ollie. I’m so sorry.”

Instead of upset, I’m met with relief. “Can I come home now?”

I glance at Mav, who squeezes Ollie’s shoulder. “It’s not that simple, Olls, but I’m sure it won’t be long.”


By Monday, I’m feeling sad. Not about Mum—she hasn’t entered my head since I found out she died—but I’m missing Ollie, and the more time I spend in our new house, the more I want him here. It feels empty without him.

Meli comes rushing in and throws her arms around me. “How was the holiday?” I ask. She’d convinced Arthur to whisk her away for the third time this year.

“Oh my god, this house is perfect,” she cries, looking around the kitchen. “I go away for a little break and all hell is breaking loose here. Albert just told us about Connie.”

I shrug. “I’m not upset. I’m relieved.” She goes to the coffee pot and switches it on. I smile as she checks the cupboards for cups, then I sit down and let her make the coffees. “I’ve spent so long worrying about her, it’s nice to know I don’t have to anymore.”

She joins me with two steaming cups. “Really? Don’t you feel just a little bit sad?”

I wrap my hands around the cup. “The day I found out she was gone, my mood was low, but not because of her death. It was because I sat and thought about all the bad times. I couldn’t think of one good one, Meli, not one. I remember sitting in a bathroom once, it smelt so bad and I was there for hours, just sitting on the floor because she told me to wait in there while she fucked her way around an MC. She never cared about me. I was just an inconvenience to her. The first home I had, was with you, Mav, and Hadley, and even that had monsters. I’ve never truly felt safe, not until I killed Eagle. That’s the day I knew that one day, she’d have to die too. I’m just glad she made the right decision for once and did it before I was forced to.”

She squeezes my hand gently. “And what about Ollie? Any news?”

“They want me to do random tests to prove I’m not a drunk or an addict. I have to jump through hoops just to see him.” My phone rings. “Speaking of hoops,” I mutter before pressing it to my ear. “Hey, Lucy.”

“Rosey, I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. Are you okay?”

“It’s hard,” I lie, “but at least she isn’t suffering anymore. I’m more worried about Ollie. I want to be there for him, and I can’t.”

“That’s why I’m calling. Can you drop by the office? I have something to show you.”

Half an hour later, Meli and I enter the family services office where Lucy is waiting for me. She ushers us into a room. “I got into work today to find this,” she says, holding up a brown envelope. “You need to see this,” she adds, grabbing her laptop and turning it towards us.

An image fills the screen of me passed out on a bed. I recognise the flat I was staying in that Dougie had rented out to me. I’m naked, and Mum is standing over me. Dougie comes into view and lifts my head up by my hair. He pushes a pill into my mouth and drops my head back down. “Are you sure this is the right way to do things?” Mum asks.
