Page 27 of Hawk

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“I don’t know what that means. Lift your arms so I can get a look at your wound.”

I held onto my shirt and obeyed, biting into the inside of my cheek at the fresh wave of pain slicing into my side.

Callie lowered her head, examining the gunshot wound. “It’s deep. I don’t know how you’re standing right now. There’s blood all down your side. People are going to notice.”

“They won’t. You’d be surprised how distracted people are and how much detail they miss. Too absorbed in their lives to notice.”


“Take my shirt and press it against the hole. Then use the bandage.”

She folded the shirt, and I held it to my side, then stretched the material around my middle, just enough left over to tie it.

“Make sure it’s tight.”

“That’s going to hurt.”

“And slow down the bleeding.” My hands fisted as she finished, breathing through the pain because I couldn’t pass out until we were safe. Goddamn. The entire left side of my body burned. Sweat beaded on my brow.

Don’t be a pussy, Hawk.

“This isn’t going to work for long,” she worried.

“I know. We just need to get to the Powder Keg.”

“What’s that?”

“A bar owned by a friend. He’ll take care of us.” I lifted my knuckles to brush along her cheek. “You’re doing great, Callie. Fucking amazing, baby. Just keep it up a little longer, okay?”

Her lower lip quivered, but she straightened her spine. “Okay.”

“Take off my cut and turn it inside out, then help me put it on. It’ll help hide my wound.”

Once I had it on, she reached for the zipper. “You want this zipped?”

“Yeah, better do it.” The two-way zipper proved quite convenient right now.

Once done, she smiled. “You look handsome, Hawk. Like we’re here on a date.”

Smirking, I had to laugh at that. “Never been on a date.”

“Why not?”

“I was only interested in fucking, nothing more. Dating seemed a waste of time. Either a chick wants my dick, or she doesn’t.”

My blunt response didn’t shock her as much as I expected. Yeah, I said that shit on purpose to see how she’d take it.

“You’re missing out. Dates are fun.” She shrugged. “Which way?”

I took a step in her direction, slipping an arm around her waist. “Does that mean you’re down to fuck?” Yep, teasing her was gonna be way too much fun.

She smacked my chest, and I winced.

“Omg, sorry!”

“Is that a no?” I lifted my hands when she swatted at me, chuckling at her flushed cheeks. My gaze locked on hers, noticing the stormy gray had darkened. Was that lust? “Tell me you’re not thinking about my cock right now.”

“You’re idiotic. Shot, bleeding, and still thinking with the wrong head.”
