Page 41 of Hawk

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Bree joined me, handing over the margarita as I sipped from the salted rim. Delicious.

“So, have you learned anything new about Sadie?”

“Not really. Hawk seems sure Undertaker has my sister, and I’m inclined to believe him. I bet he’s involved with all the missing girls. He probably blackmailed the mayor.”

“That theory fits,” she agreed. “Add in all the stuff we found in Elliot’s safe, and I’d say he was trying to find a way to save his own ass.”

“That sounds about right.” I sighed, setting down my drink. “I hate not knowing if she’s okay. That’s the hardest part. I wish she could text me or find a way to get me a message.”

“Aw, babe.” Bree set her glass next to mine. “You need a hug.”

“I really do,” I blubbered.

She wrapped her arms around me as I sniffled. She hugged me as tight as my sister, and I fought back tears. When we separated, she picked up her drink, slinging half of it down.

“You know, I have to ask, what’s going on with you and Hawk? He’s never been so openly attached to one girl. I saw how he looked at you.”

“Oh? What do you mean?”

“Literal hearts were pulsing from his eyeballs,” she joked.

“You’re silly,” I laughed.

“Really. He was completely caught up in you. Didn’t even like the club girls around. I could tell.”

“That’s probably because he’s slept with all of them,” I deadpanned, hating the jealousy in my voice. It was a ridiculous emotion, but I still felt it’s sting.

She made a face. “Yeah. I believe so. I won’t lie to you. But I think he’s embarrassed by it. I’ve never seen him so uncomfortable.”

Huh. That was interesting.

“I don’t see why they had to be all over his dick when we walked in.”

“To stake a claim. That lifestyle is cutthroat. Many of them want to be an ol’ lady. They’re hoping one of the guys grows attached.” Bree shrugged. “I’ve seen it.”

“I don’t like it,” I admitted. “It’s weird to say that.”

“Why? Because you haven’t known each other long?”

“Well, yes.”

“I thought the same thing about Raven, but the heart never lies. If you feel that connection, go for it. Why not? Even if it doesn’t work out, you had fun in the process.”

“Is this the same Bree from work? Did you head swap with someone else?” I joked.

“I know. I’ve been a bit stuffy in the past.” She shrugged. “I’m learning to embrace my body and what I want. Raven is helping me through the process.”

“I bet he is.” I couldn’t help laughing. “Good for you, Bree.”

“Are you attracted to Hawk?”

“It’s more complicated than that.”

“No, it’s not. Do you want to stay friends or see if there’s more?”

“It really is a little more complicated.” I told her about Hawk and how he went to prison for beating up Jed, saving my sister’s life. “He saved me yesterday too. Took a bullet in his side because we were being chased by the Dirty Death MC. He might be a playboy, but he’s also one of the best men I’ve ever met.”

“It sounds like you already made your choice. You’re just afraid to act on it.”
