Page 47 of Hawk

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“Yeah. Callie and Bree were working together to figure out what happened to Sadie. I think Undertaker has her.”

Cuckoo whistled. “Damn, bro. How do you get mixed up in this shit?” He snorted, shaking his head. “Okay. So you feel you gotta help the girls out, right?”

“That’s the gist.”

“All the women are in danger until the DDMC and Undertaker are dealt with,” Crow announced. “I need to hear what you want to do about it.”

The surge of protectiveness I felt over Callie made me tense up. “I won’t wait around for Undertaker to attack again. We’ve sat too long. I vote we bring the crows.”

Crow scrubbed a hand down his face. “We need to remember that Undertaker is like us. He’s not a crow, but he’s got an animal. Something mean. It’s not a regular wolf.”

“No,” Claw agreed. “It’s not. I’ve seen wolves. They’re deadly, but not like this.”

“So, is he the only one? Or do they all have that ability? Because I haven’t sensed it,” Raven added.

“We don’t know,” Crow admitted.

Raven shook his head. “We need to find out first. Going in blind is foolish.”

“Fuck,” I cursed. “Okay.”

Crow ticked his chin at Jay and Claw. “Check it out. Sneak close to the DDMC lair and let me know what you find.”

“You got it, pres.”

“Eagle Eye? What have you been able to dig up?”

Eagle Eye paused typing on his laptop. He never said much until someone spoke to him directly. “Lots about the Dirty Death financials. They’re dealing with a few high rollers in Vegas with deep pockets. Business is good for them. Too good.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“Well, pres, it’s fake as shit. Their books aren’t real records. The accountant is terrible at it. I’m digging into several paper trails now.”

“Find something we can use as leverage.”

“Will do, pres.”

Crow pounded a fist on the table. “Just so we’re all clear, Undertaker will pay for what he’s done. I need him to suffer for taking my pops.” He sneered, holding onto his anger but it was a struggle. “Everyone be fucking ready when this goes down.”

Heads nodded around the room.

“Anything else?” Crow asked, his gaze bouncing around each of us. “No? Then church is fucking over.”

No one blamed Crow for feeling the way he did. Undertaker was responsible for his father Rook’s death. We lost our president too fucking early and it nearly destroyed the club. We all had vengeance on our minds and wouldn’t rest until we got the justice the Devil’s Murder needed.
