Page 59 of Hawk

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Chapter 15

Ishoved Carrion intothe wall, fucking livid that he did this. “You said she had to go to that meeting. You fucking said I had to accept it or place her in irreversible danger.”

“I did,” he replied calmly.

“She’s fucking gone!” I roared. “Undertaker has her!”

“He won’t harm Callie. She’s not the one he wants.”

My chest heaved as I shook my head. “Not fucking okay, Carrion. This isn’t right.”

He reached out, grasping onto my wrist.“See.”

His eyes did that crazy shit where they fluttered, rolling to white as he swayed. Ever since he died and Falcon brought him back to life, Carrion had been strange. Odder than usual. He never touched anyone, and now I learned why.

His gift had grown potent, as well as his connection to his crow.

The room faded, and I stood inside a bedroom with feminine décor in white and gold shades. Soft sheer curtains draped the bed, held back by golden fleur-de-lis. Vanilla-scented white candles flickered in a gentle breeze, sweeping in from outside. Exotic plants stood on golden stands around the perimeter. Sliding glass doors opened wide and led to a balcony where I spotted my Callie.

I shouted her name, trying to run but couldn’t move.

“You’re only an observer,” Carrion informed me.


I watched Callie and Sadie hug, happy to see their reunion.

“I’ve missed you!” Callie wouldn’t let go of her sister. “Why haven’t you contacted me? Wouldn’t he let you?”

Sadie shook her head. “No. I’ve been his prisoner the entire time.”

“What about Carson?”

Who the fuck was that? The FBI agent? Fuck. Yeah, that was his name. Carson Phillips.

“He’s here. I’m afraid Undertaker hurt him.”

The door opened, heavy footsteps revealing the president of the Devil’s Murder. Undertaker’s back filled my vision. The man towered above the women, over six and a half feet tall. A giant.

“I’ve brought you company,” he grumbled, staring at Sadie.

I sensed his obsession and desire for her, not the least bit interested in Callie.

“Become my mate, and I’ll let her stay.”

“If I refuse?” Sadie asked, clutching Callie close.

“I don’t know how my beast will react.”

“This isn’t what you told me!” I shouted, shoving at Carrion again. “He’ll kill her!”
