Page 75 of Safeword: Mayday

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She did, and Marcus slid a donut-shaped piece onto his cock, so it settled against his torso. “Back on him, and press in hard. If you can breathe okay, give me theokaysign with your right hand.”

She pushed in, Heather saw her chest move when she took a breath in and back out, and then Ruby gave the sign.

Marcus smiled, and Heather recognized it as the smile of a sadist. The safety shit was taken care of, and now the pain part could begin in earnest.

“While I thrash you with a rubber flogger, Heather will spank Kyle with a wooden paddle. When we see tears from one of you, doesn’t matter which, but when one of you cries, the blowjob can begin. The person who cries will sleep in a large plug lubed with ginger oil tonight.”

Heather had already retrieved the paddle and flogger, so she handed the flogger to Marcus, and stepped behind Kyle.

She touched the paddle to his ass and held it there. “Do you have permission to come, Kyle?”

“Not until or unless you give it, my Lady.”

Marcus had warned Heather against giving Kyle a warmup for this, since the aim was tears, so she hit him with almost full force right away, and didn’t give him time to recover between strikes. Marcus was doing the same with Ruby, tearing into her with the flogger, and in less than three minutes, she saw a tear spill out of Ruby’s eye.

Heather stopped and held her hand up for Marcus. He walked around Ruby, ran his finger down her cheek and through the tear, looked at the liquid on his finger, and then looked back to Ruby, on her knees with Kyle’s cock in her mouth.

“You lasted three minutes and eleven seconds, so that’s how long you’ll blow him. His Mistress hasn’t given him permission to come. If you can pull an orgasm out of him, he’ll sleep in the plug tonight instead of you.”

Heather took the donut-spacer off Kyle’s cock, and Marcus pressed a button on his watch and said, “Begin.”

Ruby went to work on Kyle’s cock, and Heather watched her technique, slow at first, and it looked like her tongue was working him while she rode her lips up and down on his length. About a minute into it, she sped up, slamming her mouth onto him over and over, faster than Heather thought she could manage, since she knew Kyle had to be going in and out of Ruby’s throat, but the other woman never gagged the first time.

“Ahhh, too bad,” Marcus told her when her time was up, and he relaxed his arm, no longer looking at his watch. “Looks like you’ll be sleeping in the plug. Get a breath and deep throat him. You’ll be holding for atleastthirty seconds, so make sure you have plenty of air. If you come off his cock before I give permission, you’ll take ten punishment strokes of the cane without a safeword.”

Ruby took a breath and then slowly went down on him, taking him into her throat until her lips were wrapped around the very base. Heather counted to ten in her head and said, “Now Kyle, comenow.”

Kyle let out a bellow and pushed his pelvis forward three times, and then froze as he came into the condom deep down Ruby’s throat. Heather could tell it was all Ruby could do to stay on his cock, and she finally saw Ruby’s gag response kick in, but Ruby kept her mouth forced onto his cock. Ruby and Kyle’s hands held onto each other, their only contact Ruby’s mouth on his cock, and their hands.

When Kyle’s reaction slowed, Marcus touched Ruby’s head and said, “Good girl, you can pull off now.”

Heather took care of the condom while Marcus went to work releasing their captives. Once Kyle was free of his restraints, Heather had him remove the plug from her ass and put it in the bowl, then she pulled the plug from his ass, and handed it to him to put into the bowl.

“Take this bowl to the kitchenette,” Marcus told Ruby. “Wash everything we’ve used with the Dawn soap and then the chlorhexidine soap, both times in water as hot as you can stand it, and then load it all, bowls included, into the dishwasher. Put a soap packet in, and run it on the sanitizer cycle with an extra rinse setting.”

He turned his phone on and watched her to make sure she followed his instructions, and left with a stainless steel plug already lubed with ginger oil as she was turning the dishwasher on.

Heather hadn’t known he had a video camera aimed to see someone working at the sink. From the angle of view, the camera must be part of the lighting fixture. She made a mental note to ask him where every camera in the house was located. He’d already explained everything went to a hard drive on the premises, and nothing went out onto the net. It was broadcast through his internal Wi-Fi, but it was encrypted, so if someone stood outside the house and tried to pick up the signal, it would just be static.

She watched on his phone as he stepped into the kitchen and ordered Ruby to spread her legs, bend over, and grasp the edge of the kitchenette’s counter. As soon as she was in place, he inserted it into her ass without ceremony, and Heather learned something new — doing it in the little kitchenette as if it were a task depersonalized the act. This wasn’t a punishment, rather a penalty given for not reaching a benchmark, but it was clearly not part of any romantic bed play.

She turned his screen off and put the phone back into the headboard compartment before they returned, and a few minutes later, the four were all piled into bed, with Kyle on his back with Heather on one side of him, her head on his shoulder and one leg thrown over his hip. Ruby was on his other side curled up to his other arm, with Marcus spooned behind her, reaching around and possessively holding onto one of her breasts.

Inserting the plug had been handled as a task, but Marcus was holding her while she wore it.

Chapter 35

Over the next three weeks, Ruby spent a great deal of time with the foursome — a few evenings a week, and most of their weekends.

She asked Heather if they could work out together, and this gave the two women time alone, without the men, to talk while they lifted weights and stretched. Ruby wasn’t a big fan of running though, so Heather ran solo most days. Occasionally, it worked out so either Kyle or Marcus could run with her, which was a nice change, but she enjoyed the feel of her feet on the pavement, the rhythm and cadence, almost meditative, one can only get when running alone, so she was a little glad Ruby didn’t want to run with her.

Heather thought things were going terribly fast between Marcus and Ruby, but Kyle told her that’s how it works out with lifestyle relationships, sometimes. When both parties have had lots of experience and they find their person, everything just clicks into place.

And so, three weeks after they first met Ruby, the four of them sat around Kyle’s kitchen table while Marcus and Ruby negotiated a contract. It took hours, with Marcus typing the contract as they agreed to it, and now it was all printed out, and Marcus was reading it out loud.

Ruby had agreed that, if a contract could be successfully negotiated, she’d accede to three months of twenty-four-seven slavery, and she’d move in with Marcus to serve her term. Her relocation package had included two months in a nice suite at a hotel close to the factory while she found a place to rent or buy, so if it didn’t work out, then at the end of the three months she’d just be back to finding her own place. No harm no foul.

“I really like the three of you,” Ruby told them, “and the sex is incredible. I can’t deny the dynamic of Heather and Marcus kind of being the King and Queen, with Kyle and I as your subjects — it does something for me.” She met Marcus’s gaze. “But I feel it’s important you know I’m struggling with giving up the ideal I’ve had in my head for so long — of belonging completely to one man who would own me body and soul, and love me above all else.” She looked at Heather, then Kyle, and back to Marcus. “I’ll be giving that up if I do this, and I need to be sure. I’ll also be gaining a whole lot — three people I care about, and who care about me, but it’s still not what I’ve thought I wanted for so long.”
