Page 84 of Safeword: Mayday

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“And tonight is one of those times?”

“Yes, my Lady.”

“You want to be treated as property, your feelings not taken into account for tonight? Here for my pleasure. You want to be objectified and used?”

A few months ago, this would’ve horrified her, but tonight, she desperately hoped he’d agree this was what he wanted.

He was looking at the floor so she couldn’t see his eyes, but she could hear the need in his voice. “Please, my Lady.”

Her empty pussy tightened at his words.

“Rules for slaves are different than the rules for submissives. Slaves don’t get a say in who their Mistress tells them to obey, and that means you’ll obey any orders Marcus gives you tonight. If you can’t handle that, tell me now, so we can stop before we start.”

Heather knew she was pushing him, but she’d also learned someone asking to be seen as a slaveneededto be pushed past their comfort levels.

“I...” Kyle’s jaw muscle flexed, but Heather let him work through whatever conflicts were going through his head. Finally, he said, “If we’re to be a true foursome, I’ll have to learn to deal with it whether I’m submissive or slave. Tonight seems as good a time as any for it to start, Ma’am and Sir.”

Well, that was unexpected, and would need to be explored, but later.

Heather felt a sadistic smile forming on her face, and she looked at Marcus to make sure he saw it, then looked back at Kyle. “Wonderful. Clothes off, lube your ass and insert a medium plug, then put yourself into the standing cage. Marcus and I are going into the other room. When we return I expect to see you in the cage, naked, your hands over your head holding onto the bars, with your erection pushed through the bars, sticking out. On fuckingdisplay.”

She walked to a drawer, grabbed a lock, pulled the key out of it, hung the lanyard around her neck, and offered him the lock. Marcus had all the locks in here keyed the same, but each one still had a key in it when it was being stored. “Secure yourself into the cage. Marcus and I will be in the next room. If you should need us before we return, we’ll be able to hear you. You do not have permission to come tonight unless Marcus or I give you permission.”

Heather watched his face and expected protest, because for him to agree to Marcus being the one to grant permission to orgasm would be a huge step.

But she’d come to the same conclusion Kyle had — if they were to be a true foursome, both Tops would need control over both bottoms. The expected flash of protest didn’t cross his face, though, and he held his hand out, waiting for her to place the lock into it. “I understand, my Lady. I am yours, and I will submit to others at your command.”

She thought that through and realized what he was saying. He would submit to Marcus, but only because she wanted him to. She wasn’t sure about that, and she looked up at Marcus, but he gave a single nod, so she let it go. She twisted the shackle around so it couldn’t be accidentally locked, and placed it into Kyle’s hand. “I love you. If it gets to be too much tonight, I expect you to let me know.”

“Yes, my Lady.”

She turned and walked out, heading into the other room so she and Marcus could talk about the plans for the evening.

She poured herself some tea from the refrigerator and sat at the small table in the kitchenette. “Anything in particular you want to do to Amy tonight?”

“Her Master’s rules state she isn’t allowed on furniture unless someone places her there — that includes kitchen chairs, sofas, even beds. At her Master’s house, it also means the toilet, but I don’t have a place for her to use the bathroom outside where I can guarantee no one will see, so she’s allowed to use the toilet when she’s here. I caught her standing on a kitchen chair today, to get something off the top shelf. That’s a use of furniture, and I feel certain she was testing me to see if I’ll let her bend the rules, so she must be punished.”

Marcus sat without getting anything to drink. “I spoke with her Master, thinking perhaps since she was using it in service that the punishment might be different, but he says since she knew where the stepladder is stored, nearby in the garage, and since the stepladder is defined as a tool and not furniture, that the punishment will be the same as if she sat on the sofa. So she’ll be getting fifty strokes of the cane, and he expects to see a photo taken tomorrow morning of her ass. If it isn’t marked to his satisfaction, he’ll repeat the punishment when he arrives home, so I’ll have to be pretty harsh with it.”

He gave Heather a half grin. “Truth? I’m looking forward to it. The sadist in me is going to fully enjoy it. Part of me wonders if she did it on purpose, because she wants the punishment, but she’s not my slave, so that’s not my call — I’m just the one administering the punishment, tonight.”

“Do I want to flog Kyle’s back while you cane her, or should I put his mouth to good use?”

“Totally up to you. Since this is punishment, designed for maximum pain, the fifty stripes will only take around fifteen minutes at a rate of approximately four per minute.” He leaned back in his chair. “I have an idea of how the evening might end — with me fucking your ass, you with a strap on fucking Amy’s ass, and Amy pegging Kyle’s ass. Your dildo will have an extension going up into your pussy. Amy’s will not. Amy will sleep standing up tonight, or catnap, more likely, supported in the stand-up cage, and since Kyle wants to feel like a slave, I suggest you put him into the other cage for the night.”

“I haven’t strap-on fucked him or pegged him or whatever yet, so she doesn’t get to.”

“Okay then, me in Amy’s ass, Amy wearing a dildo that goes into your pussy but not hers, and Kyle fucks your ass. We can put the two of you into some kind of swing bondage, so when I slam into Amy, it makes her slam into you.”

Heather’s insides heated up at the visual, and Marcus chuckled. Heather rolled her eyes and tried to ignore her body’s reaction. “Yeah, okay, and at the end, in the final position, the grand finale, you’ll give the command for KyleandAmy to orgasm.”

Marcus nodded. “Agreed, but we’ll need to have a talk about it later. He’s never been okay with it before, but he agreed as if it’s a decision he’s already come to, and was waiting for one of us to bring it up.”

“I got the same feeling, so yeah, we’ll do it tonight so he’ll be confronted with it head on and will know if he’s comfortable doing it again, and then we can talk about it in the coming days.” She downed the last of her tea and asked, “Would it be okay for Amy to have to give Kyle a blowjob while she’s being caned? And would it be okay for you to let me give her some of the cane strokes?”

Heather hadn’t been completely comfortable with the idea when it was Ruby, but for some reason, she was completely okay with Kyle and Amy interacting sexually, so long as she or Marcus commanded them to.

He nodded. “That sounds good. We’ll put a ring gag in her to make sure there are no accidents between her teeth and Kyle’s cock if a strike catches her off guard.
