Page 86 of Safeword: Mayday

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“I’m sorry, Master. I should’ve taken the time to get the ladder. I knew the rules and tried to take a shortcut. My behavior reflects on your training, and I deeply regret my actions.”

He nodded. “You’ll regret them more before it’s done, but I understand you’ve been well behaved otherwise. Is there anything you need to bring to my attention?”

“No, Master. Sir Marcus always stays within the parameters you prescribe.”

“Very well. I miss you, my slave. I will see you tomorrow.”

When Marcus had closed the laptop and moved it out of the way, Heather asked, “He was checking with you, making sure we weren’t abusing you?”

“He wouldn’t leave me with someone who might truly abuse me. I believe the question was more about my physical and mental health — a general check-in to make sure I’m okay.”

“Do you enjoy being loaned to Marcus?”

“It’s not a slave’s place to say where she goes, or who she’s loaned to.”

Heather rolled her eyes. “I didn’t ask you to make the choice, I asked if you enjoy coming here.”

“Yes, Ma’am. I very much enjoy coming here.”

“Are there people your master sends you to that you don’t enjoy going to?”

“I’d rather not answer that question, Ma’am.”

“That means there is someone, then?”

“That’s between Amy and her Master,” Marcus said. “She signed a contract of consensual slavery. I’ve seen it, I’ve read it, and it covers him loaning her to others at his discretion, not hers.”

Heather felt her face go hot. She knew that, but sometimes she still had to ask, despite the fact it apparently wasn’t appropriate. She looked to Amy. “I’m sorry if I was out of line.”

Amy smiled. “No apologies necessary, Ma’am. I’m glad you and Kyle are here. I’ve enjoyed my time with the three of you.”

Marcus cleared his throat. “If the flirting is over, I’d like to fuck Amy now.”

“Where would you like me, Sir?” Amy asked.

“On the bed with your ass in the air. Kyle, lube Amy’s ass while I get Heather ready for you to fuck.”

Kyle looked to Heather, and she shook her head at him. “If you keep hesitating when Marcus gives you an order, the next order out of my mouth will be for you to blow him.” She looked at Marcus. “Where would you like me?”

“Bent over the bed. You’re going to feel my belt this morning.”

His words sent her pulse racing, and she walked to the bottom of the bed and leaned over it.

“Arch your back. Show me you’re offering your ass to me.”

Without a second thought, she arched her spine so her ass was in the air, and waited while he pulled his belt from the pants he’d worn the evening before.

“Arms out to your side, elbows straight, palms on the bed, and don’t move them. You aren’t restrained; I expect you to restrain yourself. The first two are prep, the rest won’t be, and eventually, itwillhurt.”

There was a pause and Marcus said, “Don’t go past two fingers, Kyle. I want her lubed but tight. Actually, I think she’s ready for me. Come stand to my left. When I finish here, you can fuck Heather while she’s bent over the bed, with no recovery time from the belting.”

The first strike landed, and it did what it was supposed to do — it got her body ready for the hard strikes to come. The second strike thwacked across both cheeks and she heard this one, and felt it, but managed to stay relaxed.

Number three hit and she felt her ass muscles moving under the impact, realized the sensation was something she should move away from, but focused on keeping her hands relaxed and in place. Somewhere around stroke eight it registered as pain, but it was a good hurt and she moaned when it hit. Her ass raised in the air on instinct, wanting more. Strikes nine and ten came in quick succession, lines of fire that had her gasping from the shock of it, and then Kyle entered her, all at once, sinking into the heat of her without finesse, fucking her hard and fast, filling her, over and over. She was wet and ready for him, but she still felt the friction on her inner walls — in and out and in and out.

Marcus told her she could move her hands, and she stretched her arms over her head, trying to brace herself while Kyle pounded her from behind.

She heard other noises and looked up to see Amy on hands and knees with Marcus fucking her ass, holding her hair like the reins of a horse while he pounded into her. The visual of that, plus what Kyle was doing to her, was enough to kick start her orgasm, and she heard herself screaming various combinations of, “Yes, yes, yes!”
