Page 88 of Safeword: Mayday

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She heard Marcus’s voice as if from a distance. “Heather, stop thinking andfeel. Kyle and Amy, you will both count out loud when Heather finishes an orgasm. When you reach six, you’ll both wait until I give you permission to come. Fair warning, it’ll probably be as Heather reaches number seven, and not immediately after her sixth. Heather,Now.”

Both men had been moving while Marcus talked, so there was friction in her pussy and ass, and she was swinging, being pushed and pulled while she was fucked. It was overwhelmingly different enough, she’d been about to come, right at the edge, so she didn’t think she came because Marcus told her to, she thought she was just about to come anyway, but the timing was perfect, and she couldn’t be sure.

The orgasm rocked her hard, though, her pussy spasming around the huge, ribbed dildo, her breasts moving against Amy’s, her entire body writhing through it, and she heard Amy gasp, and realized the other woman was desperately trying to hold off her own orgasm.

Amy managed, and Marcus somehow succeeded in ordering Heather to orgasm, over and over, just before she came, over the next thirty or so minutes. She’d fly through each orgasm, melt, and then Marcus would talk Kyle through the two of them ramping her back up to another one.

When Amy and Kyle counted off her fourth orgasm she said, “No more, I can’t come again. Ican’t.”

Marcus stroked her leg, “I think you can. I’ll give our little fucktoys permission on your sixth instead of your seventh, but that means you’ll have two more orgasms for me, my little Spitfire. Just think of the unfairness of it — you’re having more orgasms than you think you can handle, while our fucktoys would do just about anything for a single release right now, but aren’t allowed.”

He lifted her legs higher and pulled them a little closer together, and both the dildo in her pussy and the cock in her ass were suddenly at a different angle.

“Faster Kyle,” Marcus ordered. “Small but fast strokes. Not hard, just fast.”

And just like that, Heather came again. How did Marcusalwaysknow what she needed? It was a fast orgasm, and when it died down, he lowered her legs again and said, “Go in and hold, Kyle. Push all the way in, a half inch deeper than you think you’re capable of going, and hold.”

Kyle did as ordered, and then Marcus started fucking Amy with a vengeance, moving Amy, Heather, and Kyle with his strokes. Heather had been certain she was done, but this was so different from what’d come before — there was barely any friction inside of her now, but she was filled, and she was moved every time Marcus slammed into Amy. Within minutes, Heather felt and heard herself breathing heavy, felt an orgasm coming, knew it was close, just on the edge.... “Come Heather. Let it go. Comenow.”

Heather’s body released her final climax of the night with a vengeance, so it felt like her body was flying apart. She wasn’t merely spasming inside — her arms and hands jerked and moved, the muscles in her legs rippled with tremors, and she wasn’t breathing. There wasn’t enough brainpower left to control the muscles that pulled air into her lungs.

Marcus roared and said, “Now Amy and Kyle, permission granted.”

All four found their bliss at once, shuddering and quaking on and against each other. Kyle’s arms wrapped around her and Amy as he lost control of his own actions, Marcus’s fingers gripped her legs almost painfully as he lost control, and Amy jerked and shook and cried out in her bondage. Everyone’s orgasm lasted much longer than a normal one, and Heather realized Amy was crying when it was over, as if huge sobs were being ripped from her chest.

Heather held the woman closer and rubbed her back. “What’s wrong, Amy?”

Amy pulled back enough she could meet Heather’s gaze. “That was perfect, beautiful. Thank you. All of you, thank you for allowing me to experience this with you.”

Heather looked at Marcus, standing behind Amy, and hoped he knew how to respond. Marcus smiled and stroked Amy from behind, “Yes, it was perfect and beautiful, and you were one fourth of what happened. It wouldn’t have been what it was without your participation, dear Amy. Thank you, as well.” He stopped stroking and gave her a kiss on the side of her neck before looking back up. “Heather, if you’ll let yourself down then I can get Amy down, and we can all go to bed for a nap.”

Chapter 41

Kyle knew why they’d picked up barbecue plates and were having dinner in a park.

He’d opened himself up to having to talk about this by so readily agreeing to let Marcus Top him.

He’d struggled with this for years. He’d been so adamant against letting his best friend Top him when they’d shared Jules, but then when they’d lost her, Kyle had lost the intimacy he’d had with Marcus.

And it was a crushing loss. One he hadn’t expected, but he missed sleeping in the same bed with him, looking at him over the top of the woman they were sharing.

Most of all, he hadn’t expected to miss having Marcus dominate him, even though Marcus had only done so with Jules as their go-between.

If they’d had their own relationship, if he’d allowed Marcus to Top him, would things have been different in the years after?

There was no way to know, but now that he had a chance for a do-over, he wasn’t going to make the same mistake again.

Kyle spread the tablecloth over the picnic table, and Heather took everything out of the bag, settling their covered plates out, dictating where everyone would sit, and Kyle wasn’t sure what to think about the fact she put his plate next to Marcus’s, while she would sit across from them.

Marcus retrieved the drinks from his SUV, and took his seat beside Kyle.

“You’ve thought about this a great deal,” Marcus told him. “Your mind was made up long ago. You were waiting for a chance to be able to agree to it.”

Marcus’s ability to sense truth and dishonesty in people was great when it was someone else, but always disconcerting when he did it to Kyle.

“All those things are true.”

“It feels like you were dishonest,” Heather told him. “When you explained how things were with Julie, I assumed you still felt the same, and you let me.”
