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“I honestly don’t want anything. I was hoping to ask Marissa to have lunch with me, since hanging out and waiting for her to come into the bakery every day this week isn’t working.”

“Man, do you have it bad.”

“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. But I was wondering what you think my chances are today?”

“Of getting Marissa to agree to go on a date with you?”

“Not a date, just a thank-you lunch,” I respond quickly, motioning for her to continue speaking.

“Whatever you want to call it, I have a feeling the odds don’t seem to be in your favor today.” Dolores shakes her head before taking another pull from her cup. “I heard her talking to Colt today about wanting to cut out early because she has plans for lunch with Peyton.”

“Oh, you don’t say?” I question, wondering how Peyton is going to convince Marissa she’s sick and not just trying to get out of their plans for this afternoon.

Although Peyton said she planned on beingtoo sickto go out with her as an excuse to give me an opening to have lunch with Marissa, there is no guarantee Marissa is going to buy it or even agree to have lunch with me. I may just need some additional reinforcements in my back pocket.

“Maybe you could put in a good word for me. Help loosen her resolve a little, for when I do finally ask her out.”

“I don’t see that being a problem,” Dolores responds cheerfully, just as Colt comes strolling around the corner.

“You better have brought me one, too,” Colt says as he makes his way around the receptionist’s desk, slapping me on the shoulder.

“Sorry, only one bribe per visit to the station.” I wink at Dolores, causing her to giggle softly, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “Here you go.” I grab the last cup from the carrier and hand it to him.

“Thanks,” he responds, taking a healthy pull from the cup. “So, are you still trying to get a date with Marissa?”

“What makes you say that? I just want to apologize for the other day at my parents’ house.”

“So that’s the excuse you’re going with?” He takes another pull from his coffee before setting it down on the desk in front of him. “Whatever your reason, I know there is something more there.”

I open my mouth to respond but close it quickly. Maybe Colt has a point, and besides, what’s so wrong with everyone knowing how I feel about Marissa? I tried to keep it under wraps when we were younger and look where that landed me.

“See, I told you anyone with eyes already knows,” Dolores chimes in.

“I’m the sheriff. It’s my job to pay attention to how people interact with each other. The way you light up whenever her name is mentioned tells me everything I need to know. Now I’m just waiting for you to grow a pair and make a move.”

“Fair enough.” I reach over, clapping him on the back. “So, when are you going to grow a set and tell Sutton howyoufeel?”

I know all about the massive crush Colt had on Sutton Flores in high school. Hell, everyone in town did, besides Sutton, that is. She could never see herself clearly, choosing to believe that no one would ever be able to see past her plain looks, especially the captain of the football team.

“Touché.” Colt chuckles as Marissa comes around the corner, freezing in place as she notices me standing there.

This woman is a vision, with wisps of her hair hanging loosely around her face from having escaped the bun sitting on top of her head. Her toned body is a thing of beauty as she practically glides toward me. Her luscious lips are the color of a blush rose, competing with her vibrant green eyes for my attention.

“What are you doing here?”

“I thought you said she was in a good mood,” I mumble to Dolores, causing her and Colt to laugh loudly.

“I never said whether she was in a good or a bad mood. Just that she had plans,” Dolores responds, ducking her head slightly.

“And she’s right here.” Marissa rolls her eyes. “I am in a good mood. Just not in the mood to deal with you.” She turns on her heels, heading back into her office as I quickly come to my senses.

“Not even a thank-you for coming to visit? What would your mama say about your manners?”

I lean against the counter, the perfect picture of ease, even though I’m anything but. Being this close to her awakens the demon I’ve kept trapped inside me for years, reminding me once again that Marissa Flores is the only woman for me, now and forever.

“I’m sure you’ll tell her all about it during her weekly visits with your parents.” She turns around, crossing her arms over her chest.

Not only were Sutton and I close, but so were our parents. They always try to find time to get together during the week, even more so now that Pops had his stroke. Who am I to pass up the chance to hang out with her parents? I’ll do anything I can to weasel my way into Marissa’s good graces, but sadly, it hasn’t been helping.

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