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“Thank you. I’m sorry I made you feel uncomfortable. It’s been a weird week.”

She giggles before pulling the door open. “Colt headed out before I came in here, so I turned the dispatch radio up so you can hear it in here.”

“Thanks. Have a good night, Dolores, and I’ll see you at church tomorrow,” I respond as I hear Colt calling my name through the radio.

“I can grab that…” she trails off, glancing down at her watch quickly before turning back toward me.

“Nope. Have a good evening, Dolores. He’s calling for me specifically, anyway.” I stand and follow her out of my office. I wait for Dolores to make it out the door and climb into her car before grabbing the radio and answering Colt. “Good evening to you, too, Sheriff Grumpy Pants.”

I started calling him that ridiculous name after I told him Sutton was getting married to that tool bag a few months ago. I know better than anyone how obsessed he is with my sister. I should leave him be, but after the stunt he pulled yesterday, I’m all too willing to rub salt in his wounds. I’m petty like that sometimes.

“How many times have I told you to stop calling me that?” he growls, causing me to laugh even louder, a huge smile plastered on my face.

“Probably a million, but you know I’m never going to stop, not until you do something about the douchebag she plans to marry.”

This isn’t the first, and it definitely won’t be the last, time I’ve made that statement. Colt is crazy about my sister. For him, Sutton is the one that got away. He keeps trying to be casual about it, but I see the pain in his eyes each time he asks how Sutton is doing. He gobbles up every detail, breaking his own heart in the process. I should put him out of his misery and stop answering his questions, but what’s the fun in that?

Sutton isn’t any better. The few times she has called me or my parents, our conversations always stray to her asking questions about Colt, although she manages to never directly ask if he’s dating anyone. I give her the answers without provocation, much to her delight, because I know those two would be perfect for each other if they just got over themselves and took the plunge. Then she can move home, have babies, and all those things my parents keep pestering me about.

Just like you refuse to do with Finn.Shut up, brain. No one asked you. This isn’t about me and my baggage from being dumped by the man I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with. This is about figuring out how to get Sutton and Colt together.

Yeah, she’s engaged, but her fiancée is an asshole, and she deserves better. Sure, he’s rich and all that nonsense, but that doesn’t change the fact that she belongs with Colt, and we all know it. They just need a push in the right direction, and since I hardly ever talk to my sister, I push Colt. Maybe one of these days he will snap.

“Why is your sister sitting on the side of the road crying?” Colt growls over the line, bringing my mind back to the present.

“My sister? Sutton?” I question, wondering the same thing.

My sister hasn’t been back to town in years, not even for holidays. She calls my parents weekly to check in and make sure that they are doing well, but besides that, nothing.

“Unless you have another sister I wasn’t aware of.” Colt is clearly losing his patience with me, but I don’t know any more than he does at this point.

I was hoping for a quiet night of hiding in my office and pretending to work while I watchLove Is Blindepisodes on my computer, but no. Apparently, the universe has other plans. Like it hasn’t fucked with me enough over the last day or two.

Apparently, my sister is stuck on the side of the road somewhere in town. I haven’t heard a peep from her since I got her wedding invitation in the mail about a week ago. I’m almost 100 percent sure my parents don’t know she was planning on coming into town or they would’ve rolled out the red carpet.

Colt’s voice coming through the radio brings me back to the present. “Marissa. I need to know what’s going on.”

“How the hell should I know, Colt? Here’s a thought. How about you ask her?” I snap, wanting answers just as much as he does.

My sister isn’t a reckless person. She doesn’t just show up somewhere without letting someone know ahead of time. Something must be wrong. If that asshole fiancé of hers did something to her, I’ll kill him.

“I should bring her into the station for you to deal with,” Colt growls.

“Are you going to cuff her?” I laugh loudly at the irony of the situation. Colt has been looking for the perfect opportunity to get my sister back in town. Maybe now he’ll grow a pair and tell her how he feels. “I don’t want to know about your kinky fantasies about my sister, Sheriff.”

I’ve known for a while that Colt and Sutton should be together. Hell, I knew it when we were in high school, but those two were both too afraid of being hurt that neither said anything to the other. Maybe if I give them both a little push toward each other, they’ll finally have the courage to say what needs to be said.

“If I had to guess, it must have something to do with the douche canoe she plans to marry,” I grumble before sighing loudly. “Just talk to her, Colt. I’ll bring a hand radio with me in case someone calls, and I’ll figure out what she’s doing back in town.”

Colt rattles off their location and says he’ll see me in a few minutes. I can barely contain my laughter. “This is the perfect opportunity to give those two a little shove in the right direction,” I say to myself before grabbing a set of keys off the hook, getting into a SUV, and heading toward the outskirts of town. Colt must have been on his way back to the station when he ran into Sutton on the side of the road. But the question remains: What the fuck is she doing there?

It doesn’t take long for me to reach the location Colt described. Colt’s truck is pulled to the side of the road, his lights flashing to let oncoming traffic know they need to proceed carefully. Sitting precariously on the edge of the ditch is my sister’s car, the door flung open wide.

“Did she have an accident?” I mumble to myself as I shift the vehicle into park and climb out. But instead of running toward my sister and Colt, I remain frozen in place, trying to make sense of the sight in front of me. Colt has his arms wrapped tightly around my sister, her head tucked under his chin, and her arms are wrapped tightly around his waist.

“Tell me everything,” Colt demands as her eyes fly open in shock before hardening slightly.

“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” Sutton mumbles nervously as I stride toward them, wanting to sort this out as quickly as possible.
